Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Clearing up an Acidic System
It is funny how our bodies will react to stress in different ways and it is up to us to figure out what to do about it. My family has way too much going on these last few weeks of the year and this weekend my body let me know in a quite uncomfortable way. My system became quite acidic and anything I ate just didn’t set well with quite distressful consequences. I was popping capsules of Soothing Digestion, but it just wasn’t doing the job because the distress started above the stomach and all through my whole system. I finally started taking spoonfuls of Slippery Elm & Licorice that I had left over from the candida program. It only took a few days of drinking it in water to repair the damage and get me feeling good again. It is the same formula as the Soothing Digestion, but since the problem was starting above my stomach it wasn’t doing the job. This little combo is a great one to have on hand for diarrhea, acidic stomach, etc. Use 75% Slippery Elm and 25% Licorice Root found in the single bulk section at Herbs First. The Licorice Root adds a nice flavor and this combo is so soothing you feel it working just about as soon as you get it into your system. Had I gone to the doctor for this problem I would have been put on an acid-reflux medication. Nice to take care of it at home and have it all better in a few days. Had medication been prescribed I likely would have gone on for quite some time if not years without the result that was given me in just a few days with the herbs.
I love learning about herbs and being able to take care of myself and my family. Having a good variety of herbs and formulas on hand helps me to be prepared to take care of problems when they happen. I find natural medicine to be quicker and cheaper and best of all it works!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Staying Healthy from Infancy to the over 100 Year Old
Ear infections are quite a common occurrence for many children and in the news lately they are reporting that most ear infections go away within a few days and that doctors often aren’t prescribing anything for them. If you are a parent of a child with an ear infection you know you want to be able to do something for them. Herbal Ear Drops are the miracle cure for ear infections and for a mere $9.00 you can have a one ounce bottle in your home that will treat many ear infections and it will save many nights lost sleep to have Herbal Ear Drops in your refrigerator.
A favorite of mine is the Glandular Massage Oil with the X-Plague Essential Oil blend mixed in, about 30 drops of X-Plague per ounce of Glandular Massage Oil. We use it any time we are exposed to sick people or if we feel a sore throat coming on. This is a great little blend and so easy to use. It smells so good and is an excellent formula to rub on kids necks as they head off to school. X-Plague is highly anti-viral. The antiseptic properties of the single oils contained in X-Plague help protect the body from the onset of flu, E-coli, candida, colds and sore throats.
For about $100.00 you can have one of each item mentioned in this newsletter. The Glandular Massage Oil/X-Plague likely will last the whole season. The Herbal Ear Drops if kept in the refrigerator will last two years, a 1 ounce bottle is the right size for most families and will take care many ear infection episodes. A bottle of Kid-e-Mune could last the season for one child if used right at the first sign of illness if it doesn’t progress. I like to have about three bottles of the Immune System Formula, Anti-Plague Capsules and Infection Formula capsules on hand and replace them as I need them. The Super Garlic Immune Formula is kept on hand for the worst illness and each person in the family would need at least one 16 oz. bottle to get over a hefty illness. It is affordable and easy to be prepared for the winter season and avoid the high cost of health care when you know how to take care of yourself and your family.
Order online or call me and I'll be happy to take your order. 1-801-228-1901
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Affordable Herbal Formulas For Health and Healing
Western Botanicals Formula Dr Schulze Formula
Blood Detox Formula Detox Formula
Brain Circulation Formula Brain Formula
Colon Cleanse Intestinal Cleanse #1
Colon Detox Intestinal Cleanse #2
Colon Cleanse Syrup Intestinal Cleanse #3
Deep Heat Oil Deep Tissue Oil
Earth's Nutrition Superfood
Essential Aircare (Eucalyptus) Air Detox
Female Balance Formula Female Formula
Ginseng Plus Super Ginseng Formula
Heart Formula Heart Formula
Herbal Anti-Septic Anti-Infection Formula
Herbal Mouthwash Concentrate Tooth & Gum
Herbal Super Tonic Super Tonic
Kidney/Bladder Formula KB Formula
Kidney/Bladder Tea KB Tea
Liver/Gallbladder Formula LG-AP
Liver Detox Tea Detox Tea
Nerve Calm Formula Nerve Formula
Sensual Enhancement Formula Male Formula
We hope you will enjoy using these great herbal formulas.Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Eliminating Arthritis - Yes it can be done, I did it!
In the world of regular medicine the belief is that they can help you with the symptoms of arthritis (or any other disease), but there is no cure. I didn't want to believe that, and I am proof of the fact that Arthritis can be overcome.
Fourteen years ago I had a surgery where I lost 40% of my blood. I woke up hurting all over, the pain from the surgery wasn't anything in comparison to the head to toe pain I was in. A few weeks after I got out of the hospital I went to my doctor and told him of the pain I was in. I thought that I had picked up some strange virus - he tested my blood and found that I had full-blown Rheumatoid Arthritis. Over the years previous to this I had little bouts of arthritis for a day or two usually in my shoulder or knee, but this time was different. I wasn't using the Christopher formulas back then like I do now, so for the first year I was going from one product to another trying to get relief. I honestly thought that I would end up in a wheelchair because I wasn't getting any better. I had gout so bad in my feet that I couldn't wear shoes, so I wore sandals or slippers. My hands were so swollen that I couldn't open or close my hands and my strength was nonexistent, I was dropping things all the time. My feet, ankles, knees, elbows, hands and back hurt all the time and I would get flare-ups in my jaw that would make eating very difficult because my teeth couldn't meet to chew.

I also had to look at my diet and eliminated for the most part beef and sugar which seemed to be the two culprits that caused the most severe flare-ups. The herbal program was not an overnight program, or even a one month or a one year program. It took me a full three years to overcome arthritis 100%. I would talk to people during the this time about what I was doing and they would say you have been doing this for how long and aren't all better yet?? They didn't wait for the rest of the story and I'm sure that those people are still dealing with the same pain that they were in back then. After taking classes at The School of Natural Healing I learned that cleansing would have helped me to heal much faster, as described in Dr. Christopher's notes that follow below. My hope is that people will learn that they can overcome Arthritis or any other disease, and that the Christopher products make that healing possible.
Dr. Christopher answers the question about arthritis below, used by permission, The School of Natural Healing, Springville, Utah.
When we speak of arthritis we speak of a general term. Actually there are over forty different forms of this disease. They all stem back to a toxic condition of the body. The treatment of this condition must be from the point of reversing the cause by rebuilding the entire body to a higher nontoxic condition, as mentioned in the article on rebuilding and cleaning the bowel. It is inevitable that when an arthritic is badly constipated, the stiffness and pain are worse. The procedure is: (1) clean the bowel with Lower Bowel Formula, and (2) detoxify the body by clearing the blood stream of poor blood with the Blood Stream Formula, and have a good powerful flow of healthy blood coursing through the body to deliver food to the area and carry off toxic waste. Use our arthritis formula [Joint Formula].
Cayenne should be used six days a week, each week of program. This herb is, as are the others, a food and not a drug. Work up to a teaspoon of Cayenne three times a day.
Apple cider vinegar and black strap molasses are also beneficial. Use a tablespoon of each in a glass of distilled water three times each day. Take a tablespoon or more of wheat germ oil three times a day. (Available in capsules as well.)
Remember to drink no less than one gallon of pure steam-distilled water for a person 130 lbs. or over, every day (less or more, one ounce of distilled water to each pound the person weighs).
For severe and painful joints or areas, the use of Complete Tissue & Bone Formula is useful.... The reaction on arthritis is this: the Oak Bark is an astringent and tones up the area, and it is also high in Potassium Chloride to keep the fibrin in motion and not allow further deposit accumulations. The Mullein and Lobelia work on the glands and lymph system to keep the area clear and ready to carry off unwanted debris; Wormwood relieves pain; the Scullcap keeps the spinal cord alert and working smoothly to assist in body motion; Comfrey Root is a cell proliferant, causing the good cells to grow rapidly and push off the dead cells and unwanted accumulations (note that in the syrup and capsules Comfrey has been replaced with other herbs due to the FDA - if you would like to use the product with comfrey then order the bulk BF&C); Walnut Bark is high in iodide and is one of the few plants specific in clearing fungus and is extremely high in Potassium Chloride for the blood and lymph, Potassium Sulfate for skin and mucous membrane, and Potassium Phosphate for the brain and nerve food. The Gravel Root is a solvent to leach off the inorganic calcification (from tap water and processed foods, etc.) and make place for the organic calcium derived from the Comfrey, Oak Bark, and some of the other herbs used in this combination.
We use this formula Complete Tissue and Bone Formula massage oil or (BFC cut) as a fomentation over the painful areas, and if the case is severe, follow the fomentation procedure mentioned in Curing the Incurables. Some of this tea, a cup or more daily, is taken internally with good results.
To make the fomentation stronger simmer the strained tea down to 1/2 its original amount (called 3 power) or simmer down to 1/4 its original amount (called 7 power). If you wish to drink some of the concentrated tea, dilute it with distilled water. Drink a cup or more of this tea each day.
There are many other aids to help, but space does not allow more to be given to this subject. Never use dry heat for arthritis, always use moist heat such as a hot water bottle wrapped with a damp towel, fomentations, etc. Dry heat solidifies the inorganic minerals into place, while moist heat aids in dispersing them. [NL 1-1]
Please feel free to call me for more information and to order. 801-228-1901, or order online at Herbs First.
Wishing you the best in your health journey,
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Hydrangea for Gout, Stones of all kinds and more

Hydrangea is an amazing herb that dissolves calcifications. Bone Spurs, Kidney stones, Gall Stones and Bladder stones are all calcifications and if you have ever had a problem with any kind of stones you know you will do anything to get rid of them. Hydrangea also increases the flow of urine and will remove the stones and the pain caused by them. Hydrangea purifies the blood, is a great aid for bedwetting, helpful for prostate infections and inflammation and bladder infections.
Hydrangea is available in vegicaps, extract and bulk.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Losing more weight on my Third Cycle of HCG ezTrim
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Western Botanicals Winter Formulas
Herbal Super Tonic is truly medicine from the kitchen. It contains horseradish, garlic, onion, cayenne pepper and ginger into a tasty, spicy tonic that many enjoy as a daily immune and energy booster. Available in a vinegar extract and vegicaps.
Nature’s ‘C’ Complex is a whole food source of Vitamin C, rich herbs that contain the whole vitamin C complex, not just ascorbic acid or one of its chemical variants. Nature’s ‘C’ Complex contains Acerola Cherry, Rosehip, Aloe vera, Lemon peel, Orange peel, Horseradish root and is available in vegicaps.
Herbal Cough Syrup and Herbal Throat Spray have a wonderful combination of herbs for the sore and dry throat. The taste is strong but not unpleasant and is very effective in relieving coughs and dry throats due to cold, flu or allergy. Refill the Herbal Throat Spray with the Herbal Cough Syrup because it is the same formula. Available in syrup.
Immune M3 is Maitake Mushroom, Reishi Mushroom, and Shitake Mushroom in an alcohol extract. This formula strengthens the immune system during illness to fight disease or use as a preventative to avoid disease. A formula to trade off with to keep the body from becoming immune. Available in alcohol extract.
Herbs are a natural way to combat flu & cold season. Reach for herbs as your first choice for any ailment.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Herbal Formulas for Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome & Crohn's Disease
Another thing that needs to happen is a change in diet and sadly enough the majority of the people aren’t willing to make that change. I know because I have lost family members, friends and neighbors to a variety of diet caused diseases, and most of them would not make the effort to change. Dr. Christopher’s Mucusless Diet is the recommended diet, I’m not totally there yet, but I have come a long way over the years. At minimum look at your diet and start changing out the bad foods for their healthy replacement. Over time you will notice how much better you feel eating on this plan. Daniel’s Challenge website has many free videos to teach you how easy it is to eat more raw healthy foods.
Reach for herbs as your first choice for any ailment.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Herbal Formulas for Pregnancy and Nursing

Reach for herbs as your first choice for any ailment.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Do You Need Nerve Calm or Nerve Repair?
Nerve Calm Formula is both sedative and antispasmodic designed to relax, sedate and relieve tension and muscle spasm. For insomnia and anxiety. I like to have a few formulas on hand to help with sleep, and this formula is amazing. Everyone has a crazy day every once in a while that gets your nerves so tense that you can’t sleep. This formula helps to just make everything all right so you can get the rest you need. Nerve Calm is available in vegicaps, extract and syrup.
Nerve Repair Formula helps to wake up the nervous system. It stimulates the nerves to work better and also stimulates the healing and repair of damaged nerve tissues. Recommended for anxiety, panic attacks, sciatica, nervous tension and degenerative nervous system conditions. I would try this one for neuralgia type symptoms to repair the nerve signal and ease the pain. Nerve Repair is available in vegicaps, extract and syrup.
Western Botanicals Formulas are 25% off this month. Take time to get to know what they have to offer, these are some of the highest quality herbals available. And the best thing is, they really work!
Reach for herbs as your first choice for any ailment.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Elderberry for Flu Season
I happened to have the TV on the other day and the Dr. Oz show was on, he talking about the flu. What took me by surprise is that Dr. Oz said that if you think you have been exposed to the flu, then start taking 4 TB of elderberry extract immediately. You should take 4 TB a day for three days, and the Elderberry will actually help to reduce the duration of the flu as well as reduce your chances of getting the flu. Wow, I was impressed because this is an herbal remedy being recommended by a doctor, and one that I wasn’t all that familiar with in spite of the fact that we have it available at Herbs First. I read through a lot of information on Elderberry and it is a well known immune booster, flu and virus fighter, etc.
Western Botanicals Elderberry bulk whole berries. Make your own extract!
Elderberry is certainly better tasting than Anti Plague, though I will always have a supply of Anti Plague (Super Garlic Immune Formula) on hand. I have talked to several people lately that have been using the Sambucus Syrup with their kids in the winter with great success. It certainly would be easier to get them to take! My poor kids got the Anti-Plague, but they lived. Reach for herbs as your first choice for any ailment.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Do you need Gas-Eze or Soothing Digestion???
or the first time a little over a year ago and it has just sat in my cupboard since then. A few weeks ago my son’s gut was suddenly quite painful and he said he thought it was gas. I got out the formula and said, here try some Gas-Eze. He said he would be fine and walked away, only to come back an hour later asking to try it. He took it, the problem settled down and he woke up fine in the morning. About the same time the next day my gut started hurting and after a few minutes of excruciating pain I took some Gas-Eze. It started to settle down after about fifteen minutes and I was fine within the hour. It must have been some weird bug. I can definitely say that Gas-Eze did what it was meant to do, eze the gas.
Only ten days left on the 35% off Christopher’s sale.
Take advantage of the
FREE Ailments CD with a $100.00 herb order.
Reach for herbs as your first choice for any ailment.
This is a great month to stock up on your favorite Christopher formulas.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Do you need Memory Plus or MindTrac?
MindTrac is for stress, anxiety and depression. This formula contains two herbs that are stimulating to the brain - Gotu Kola and Gingko Biloba. They help to synergize the St. John's Wort which mimics the effects of antidepressant drugs. Gotu Kola and Gingko Biloba improves the blood flow and oxygen circulation to the head. These herbs have been used traditionally to improve memory, nerve response and mental alertness. It also contains Skullcap, Valerian, Oregon Grape root, Barley grass, Alfalfa, Kamut, St. John's wort, Mullein leaf, Lobelia, Sarsaparilla and Dandelion.
I have been using MindTrac off and on for the last twelve years. It is great for an occasional bad day, bad week or even bad year. It can be used for as long as a person needs it, the main point being that since it isn’t a drug you will know when no longer need it. There is no addiction and no bad side effects. Everyone goes through hard times and it is a great relief to be able to use MindTrac to help get through them. Two great formula to use along with MindTrac is the Adrenal Formula, because when people go through stressful times the adrenals have a hard time. Giving the Adrenals the food they need will give you the energy that you need to handle life’s problems. Take Relax-Eze along with MindTrac when the nerves are frayed and you feel you just can’t handle things anymore. It is also great for nerve damage, neuralgia, etc.
Memory Plus is for memory problems, and contains both Gotu Kola and Gingko Biloba, along with Blue Vervain, Brigham Tea, Blessed Thistle, Cayenne, Ginger Root and Lobelia. This great little formula has been used successfully on mentally handicapped children who showed much improvement in their thought processes. Memory Plus is a great choice for people with age related memory problems. It is best to start using Memory Plus when memory problems first occur, to keep the brain functioning.
Dr. Christopher believed that nutrient deficiencies could contribute to impaired mental function. Memory Plus has been successfully used for over 60 years and continues to be one of Dr Christopher’s top sellers. Memory Plus increases blood circulation to the brain to help the memory to function at a higher capacity. This formula can be used for any age person needing to enhance their memory including students. I really need this formula, but I keep forgetting to take it!!!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
When do you need Immune System Formula vs Immucalm?
Both of these formulas everyone should have on hand, so you have them when you need them. I take the Immune System Formula quite often during the winter months anytime I am exposed to sick people or feel something coming on. For people working or in school I would take it at least in the morning to keep my immune system high because so many people are walking around sick in the winter. For kids Western Botanicals has a syrup version called Immune Boost Syrup with cinnamon and Maple syrup that is very easy to get kids to take. We didn’t have this great formula around when my kids were young so they got Anti Plague, a big difference here in the taste! Even the pickiest of kids will easily take Immune Boost Syrup because tastes so good! So keep in mind, the Immune System Formula is to keep the immune system high to keep you healthy.
Once I understood what Immucalm was for it became a formula that I use often. It is great for those itchy allergy symptoms associated with hayfever and with hives that commonly happen with food allergies. The best thing about this formula is that it is for autoimmune disorders which involve an overactive immune system which attacks the body’s own tissues. Autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, Sjogren’s syndrome, fibromyalgia and many more can be greatly helped with Immucalm. Diet and other supporting formulas may be needed depending on the disease. My friend started taking Immucalm that very day and the next day he was amazed at how much better he felt and a week later still improving. With these diseases I would take a larger amount at first to get things under control, such as 3 - 4 capsules three to four times a day, or more if needed and then over time cut it down to a maintenance dosage. I take 2 capsules twice a day to help keep my system under control.
I hope this clarifies the use of these two formulas. I truly feel that these herbs were placed on the earth for our use and that we can heal ourselves of any disease. Education is the key that will open the door to learning the use of this great gift. The online Family Herbalist course is available for only $195.00, regularly $500.00.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Almost to my goal with HCG ezTrim
In the book, The Weight Loss Cure They Don’t Want You To Know About, Kevin Trudeau talks about how HCG is a permanent weight loss cure. This diet was kept secret from the world and was only available to the rich and famous at a very high price. Originally and still today it is administered by a daily injection with weekly doctor supervision. The homeopathic version of HCG came out a little over a year ago, making it affordable for everyone.
When I found out that following the HCG diet protocol helps to raise your metabolism and reset your set point to the lower weight you have attained, I knew this diet was for me. I have battled weight issues all of my adult life when I had radioactive iodine that killed off my thyroid when I was twenty. I felt that I would never be thin again, because year after year I would lose and then regain weight over and over again.
When I started HCG ezTrim in mid-May I thought, this is an awful time to start a diet! Now I am just so grateful that I followed through, and still find it hard to believe that I have lost 51 lbs. in that short of time. If you are ready, now is a good time to get started. You could lose a good amount of weight by the end of October, go on to the stabilization phase for three weeks and be ready to eat a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner with your family. Then take time to enjoy the holidays, making good food choices and treating yourself every so often, and then get back on the weight loss phase in January, to work on the rest of the weight loss.
I had two days where I had dessert, those days I still ate on the plan the rest of the day. I gained on those days but went back to losing after a day or two. It is best not to deviate from the diet protocol, but sometimes we have to be human and enjoy a little treat. One of the days was my birthday, and for a special day enjoy a treat, but don’t blow the whole day. Likely I would have the 4 lbs off by now, but that is life and I made a choice. Overall I am amazed at how well I have been able to stick to the diet.
I am in my seventh week which is more than what the protocol says to do, but with the homeopathic HCG you can go a bit longer if you can handle it. The past two weeks on my day off the drops I was ready to quit, but come the next day when I had a good loss I decided to go on for another week. Likely in January I will go back on HCG to knock off another 10 - 15 lbs, but I’ll have to wait until then to make that decision. This has been an amazing summer for me to be able to achieve something that I thought would never happen.
Here is Hollie’s update:
Thursday, August 19, 2010
BF&C Shampoo and BF&C Conditioner are pure botanical formulas that smell great and are very nourishing to the hair. The shampoo does not lather up like the shampoos that contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate which may be one of the most dangerous ingredients found in personal care products today. BF&C Shampoo and conditioner are gentle and safe for everyday use. For people with hair loss use the BF&C Hair and Scalp Massage Formula and massage it in at night and then wash it out with BF&C Shampoo and BF&C Conditioner in the morning.
I love Immucalm, it is a simple little formula that is good for so many problems. Immucalm was designed to calm yet strengthen the body's immune responses. This combination of Marshmallow root and Astragalus has made life easier for those who suffer from allergies, hay fever, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis or any hyperactive immune response. If you know people that have an autoimmune disease please let them know about this great formula and natural healing. It is sad to see people suffer when herbal formulas are so affordable and really do work.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Back to school for the ADD/ADHD child & parents
By August most parents are ready for their kids to be back in school especially if you have an ADD or ADHD child. On the flip side of that is the stress the parent goes through to get the child through the school year, no easy task and I’ve been there.
For anyone dealing with a stressful situation, especially parents of the ADD/ADHD child you need to take care of yourself first. My favorite formula for stress is Mindtrac which is great for the child, but also for the people that live with them. This formula has been a lifesaver for me over the years helping me to get through the day. This formula covers anxiety, depression, stress and hyperactivity. I highly recommend Mindtrac for the parents of ADD/ADHD children. Kid-e-Trac is available in liquid form for small children.
Food choices are very important for the ADD/ADHD child. Stick with real food that you prepare, so that you know what they are eating. Avoid processed foods, foods with dyes, MSG, foods with nitrates, artificial sweeteners, etc. Greatly limit sugar and keep the foods as close to their natural state as possible. I can say that beyond a shadow of a doubt the above foods set these kids off.
There are several formulas that make a big difference for these kids and one nutrient that most ADD/ADHD kids are low in is Essential Fatty Acids. We carry Nature’s Way EFA Blend for children. This blend of oils helps with the proper transmission of brain and nerve signals. Here is what Hollie has to say about EFA Blend for children:
My son was diagnosed with mild Aspbergers Syndrome (high functioning Autism) as well as ADHD. To say he is a handful, is putting it mildly! I started giving him the EFA Blend when he started Kindergarten. It truly makes a difference for him! It helps him with his focus as well as with the impulsivity that he experiences. In fact, he started calling them his “smart pills”, because he recognizes the changes in himself. It took me a few months to come up with the proper dosage for him. I started him on 2 pills once a day, and worked from there, waiting about 2 weeks before making any other changes. He is now getting ready to start 2nd grade, and I give him 3 in the morning and 3 at bedtime. I’ve tried decreasing the dosage, but find that he does the best with the 6 pills daily. A couple of months ago, I ran out of the EFA Blend. I thought I had a bottle in my cupboard, and to my dismay, I was out. In just the few days that he was without the EFA, I noticed a tremendous difference in his attitude and actions. I was SO grateful when my order arrived and I could give him his “smart pills”! This is one formula that I hope to never be without!
Western Botanicals Attention Focus is a great formula for people with ADD/ADHD. I was amazed at the difference in my son's ability to get his school work done when we took this formula his senior year. We told a neighbor how about Attention Focus and they got it for their young daughter who is now twelve. It has been a formula she has stayed on for the past three years. A niece and nephew used it as well and mentioned how much easier it was to pay attention in school. Western Botanicals also has a formula called Attention Calm with the
Additional nutritional support via Vitalerbs or Kid-e-Mins is very essential for everyone. These are herbal based vitamins that our bodies can easily assimilate. Hundreds of studies have shown that our bodies need whole foods. Only whole foods can provide all the proper elements needed to assist in total health.
Place your order today so that you can work on finding the correct dosage before school starts.