Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Garden Essence Oils, affordable and easy to use!

Garden Essence Oils Tea Tree Oil    When I first heard about Tea Tree Oil in the 70’s it was like the miracle cure for everything. You could buy it everywhere and could use it to take care of so many problems, the big ones being infections and fungus. In the past few years we are hearing of so many people getting an infection and going into the hospital, and when they aren’t able to get things under control with medications then they end up losing their limbs. I’m pretty tired of hearing about this happening when likely if they had treated the problem at home with Tea Tree Oil, aka Melaleuca, they would be whole today.

    Sometimes I will cut my thumb when I prepare vegetables for our meals. I nicked it the other night, it bled a little bit, I washed it and kept making dinner. A few hours later after getting the dishes done it was hurting, so I put a drop of Tea Tree oil on it. It immediately stopped hurting and I put some Complete Tissue and Bone ointment on it and went to bed. In the morning it looked and felt great, I only had to trim a small piece of dried skin and it has healed just fine.

    With all of the companies that are selling essential oils people are getting more curious about them. We have great pricing on the Garden Essence Oils and since they are not network marketed you are only paying for the oils and not multiple levels of people involved in the network.

    Essential oils are affordable, have a long shelf life and are easy to use. Essential oils should always be used with a carrier oil, so a small bottle may seem expensive, but when you use only 10 drops in a 10 ml roller bottle filled with carrier oil you can see how the bottle of pure oil will last a long time. Use 30 drops in the 1 oz. roller bottles, or if you re-use the essential oil bottles, a 15 ml bottle would need 15 drops of pure oil.  More tips on using oils.

Advanced Therapy Diffuser    Diffusing is a great way to use essential oils to treat the whole family. In the winter we diffuse X-Plague blend which contains oils that are very highly anti-viral and antiseptic, and smell so good too. Diffuse Orange oil when the kids come home from school. Orange is antiseptic & bactericidal which will help keep them healthy, and is also anti-depressant so I call it the happy oil, which is helpful when it is time for homework and chores.

    If you are new to oils just buy a few bottles and start using them. My favorite carrier oil is the fractionated coconut oil, the Nature’s Way 20 oz bottle is our best deal. Buy a six-pack of 10 ml. roller bottles and 2 pack of one ounce bottles and look through the oils and see what would be helpful to your family. Start using them and start stocking up so you have what you need. It is very empowering to be able to take care of yourself and your family.

FREE Roller Bottle, with $50.00 order. 
Put in "RollerBottle" as the coupon code.

Order online, or phone in your order. 801-228-1901.

Have a great month!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Candida and Leaky Gut Syndrome

Are you aware that Candida causes Leaky Gut Syndrome? Most doctors don’t understand the cause, so people are unable to heal from the problem. I had Candida for years and it would keep coming back on me as thrush in my mouth. After a very long time of dealing with this I finally got it under control.  Candida will always be in our body, but the key is to keep it in balance. You can read the protocol on the Herbal Legacy website, or the shortened version below.

Lets talk about diet first – DO NOT eat any sugar or alcohol in any form.  This includes all dairy, grains, and fruit because they will feed the candida.  Eat vegetable, nuts, seeds, sprouted legumes and if you choose to eat meat, eat grass fed clean meat.

#1 On the first two days drink 2 quarts of Black Walnut and Pau D’Arco tea. This is prepared by simmering the herbs in water for twenty minutes at the rate of one tablespoon of the combined herbs (equal parts) per cup of water.  Or an alternative would be to take five capsules five times a day of Dr. Christopher’s Intestinal Sweep Formula.  To avoid nausea during the killing off phase take digestive enzymes along with Dr. Christopher’s Lower Bowel formula to flush the Candida out of the system.

#2 For the next 14 day to coat, soothe and heal the lesions in the intestinal wall, take 5 capsules 5 times a day of Dr. Christopher’s Soothing Digestion formula, or one tablespoon of slippery elm gruel five times a day.  I mixed the slippery elm in a cup of water using a stick blender and drank it down before it thickend.

#3 – repeat step #1 for two days.

#4 – women take one Primadophils Optima for Women, men take three Primadophils Optima in the morning on an empty stomach to re-establish the flora in the gut. Do this for at least one week. I continue to take the Primadophils Optima for Women daily just to make sure this doesn’t happen again.

I had the candida for so many years that I had to do this program for five months to get it totally cleared up. I am happy to say that it has been over a year since I did my intensive program and it has not come back! 

Order online, or phone in your order. 801-228-1901.

Have a great month!