Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Healing Women's problems using Dr. Christopher's VB Powder and Yellow Dock Combination

Herbal BolusDr. Christopher's VB power is the Vaginal Bolus powder. It can be used for men or women who have problems in the reproductive area. Boluses are made with healing herbs that draw out the toxins and poisons, aid in making the malfunctioning area healthy, so that cysts, tumors, and cancerous conditions will not have waste material to survive on or live in. The bolus spreads its herbal influences widely from the vagina or bowel through the entire urinary and genital organs. *used by permission from the School of Natural Healing. It helps with fibroid tumors and infertility problems, etc.  Read more about this formula on Herbal Legacy website Vaginal Bolus page and Tumors page.

Herbal BolusThe mystery to me has always been is finding an easy way to make a bolus. I decided to look for an ice cube tray that would be suitable. I was amazed when in the kitchen department at Target I found the most perfect ice cube tray. I put water in the tray it to measure the volume and found it to be about ½ a cup.  I melted ½ cup of coconut oil and added 1 tablespoon of the VB powder, mixed it together, poured it into the tray and popped it into the refrigerator.

As you can see by the size of the bolus in my hand it is the perfect size. The tray has 14 compartments, so it will last a little over two weeks taking one day off each week. A vaginal Douche is used in the morning using Dr. Christopher's Yellow Dock Combination as a tea. More about this on the link above.

Dr. Christopher developed many healing programs for many other health conditions. You can learn about them on this link at the Herbal Legacy website.

     We sell these and other great healing herbal formulas and essential oils at Herbs First. Free shipping in the United States on your $75.00 order! Order online or phone in your order at 801-228-1901. Email me and I can send you links to help you learn more about what you need to know!

Wishing you the best as you strive to care of your family!

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Dr. Christopher's Bladder Formula

Dr. Christopher's Bladder Formula
I had bladder issues years ago when I was struggling with Candida. I finally got that cleared up following the Candida protocol from the Herbal Legacy website.

    A few weeks ago I woke up on a Sunday and had to urinate quite often throughout the day. I had some of Dr. Christopher’s  Bladder Formula on had from my former struggles, so took several doses of it during the day. As the day went on I was feeling better and the next morning felt no urgency and the bladder issue hasn’t reoccurred since then.

     My first thought with the bladder issue was uh-oh, am I going to end up with a doctor visit tomorrow? Nice to have great formulas on hand and not have that situation become a reality. It is better to spend a few dollars now and have formulas on hand when you need them and before a small problem becomes a big one! One thing I have learned over the years is that Dr. Christopher's herbal formulas really work. Dr. Christopher's Bladder formula has been used historically to support the entire urethral canal, bladder & kidneys, and is a natural incontinence or bed wetting formula.

        I like to keep at least a bottle of quite a few Dr. Christopher formulas on hand because you never know when something unexpected is going to crop up. Some that come to mind are Dr. Christopher's Herbal Eye formula extract for an eye infection. Dr. Christopher's Oil of Garlic along with Dr. Christopher's Ear & Nerve formula for an ear infection. Dr. Christopher's Complete Tissue and Bone formula in capsules and ointment for sprains, strains, etc. Dr. Christopher's Joint formula for arthritic flare-ups, and so on. I could go on all day!

     At Herbs First we carry the full Dr. Christopher Formula line at 25% off retail! Here’s a great link to access these wonderful herbal formulas on one page.

     We sell these and other great healing herbal formulas and essential oils at Herbs First. Free shipping in the United States on your $75.00 order! Order online or phone in your order at 801-228-1901. Email me and I can send you links to help you learn more about what you need to know!

Wishing you the best as you strive to care of your family!