Here at Herbs First we have a huge variety of formulas to treat anyone from the infant on up to the very oldest person for many ailments. When kids get sick we as parents want to run off to the doctor to get them well. The problem is, most often there isn’t anything the doctor can do, yet they will write a prescription for an antibiotic because the parents are expecting something for their money. For much less than the cost of a co-pay to visit the doctor and the cost of medication we can have on hand herbal formulas that will take care of the problem before it develops into a severe illness.
A few years ago we had an infant in our home for a few days and when he was two days old I realized that he was coming down with something. My first feelings were of panic, thinking, oh no, what do I do? I always keep stocked up at home, so I looked to see what would be appropriate for an infant. I had Kid-e-Mune which is Echinacea and just the thing to give someone to boost their own immune system. I gave him five drops three or four times that day and the illness was stopped and the baby stayed healthy. It is much easier to stop a cold than to get rid of it if you let it develop to that point.
Ear infections are quite a common occurrence for many children and in the news lately they are reporting that most ear infections go away within a few days and that doctors often aren’t prescribing anything for them. If you are a parent of a child with an ear infection you know you want to be able to do something for them. Herbal Ear Drops are the miracle cure for ear infections and for a mere $9.00 you can have a one ounce bottle in your home that will treat many ear infections and it will save many nights lost sleep to have Herbal Ear Drops in your refrigerator.
A favorite of mine is the Glandular Massage Oil with the X-Plague Essential Oil blend mixed in, about 30 drops of X-Plague per ounce of Glandular Massage Oil. We use it any time we are exposed to sick people or if we feel a sore throat coming on. This is a great little blend and so easy to use. It smells so good and is an excellent formula to rub on kids necks as they head off to school. X-Plague is highly anti-viral. The antiseptic properties of the single oils contained in X-Plague help protect the body from the onset of flu, E-coli, candida, colds and sore throats.
Ear infections are quite a common occurrence for many children and in the news lately they are reporting that most ear infections go away within a few days and that doctors often aren’t prescribing anything for them. If you are a parent of a child with an ear infection you know you want to be able to do something for them. Herbal Ear Drops are the miracle cure for ear infections and for a mere $9.00 you can have a one ounce bottle in your home that will treat many ear infections and it will save many nights lost sleep to have Herbal Ear Drops in your refrigerator.
A favorite of mine is the Glandular Massage Oil with the X-Plague Essential Oil blend mixed in, about 30 drops of X-Plague per ounce of Glandular Massage Oil. We use it any time we are exposed to sick people or if we feel a sore throat coming on. This is a great little blend and so easy to use. It smells so good and is an excellent formula to rub on kids necks as they head off to school. X-Plague is highly anti-viral. The antiseptic properties of the single oils contained in X-Plague help protect the body from the onset of flu, E-coli, candida, colds and sore throats.
I like to keep the Immune System Formula, Infection Formula, Anti-Plague capsules and Super Garlic Immune Formula on hand and will take Immune System with either Anti-Plague or Infection formula at the first sign of illness. If I didn’t respond quick enough and illness is coming on fast and strong, I will hit it hard by taking the the formulas every half hour for a day or two until I am well. It isn’t very often that I will get to that point, and if I do the symptoms are much milder and go away much quicker than doing nothing. Super Garlic Immune is used if things are going downhill and I hit that hard taking a tablespoon every half hour until I am well.
For about $100.00 you can have one of each item mentioned in this newsletter. The Glandular Massage Oil/X-Plague likely will last the whole season. The Herbal Ear Drops if kept in the refrigerator will last two years, a 1 ounce bottle is the right size for most families and will take care many ear infection episodes. A bottle of Kid-e-Mune could last the season for one child if used right at the first sign of illness if it doesn’t progress. I like to have about three bottles of the Immune System Formula, Anti-Plague Capsules and Infection Formula capsules on hand and replace them as I need them. The Super Garlic Immune Formula is kept on hand for the worst illness and each person in the family would need at least one 16 oz. bottle to get over a hefty illness. It is affordable and easy to be prepared for the winter season and avoid the high cost of health care when you know how to take care of yourself and your family.
Order online or call me and I'll be happy to take your order. 1-801-228-1901
For about $100.00 you can have one of each item mentioned in this newsletter. The Glandular Massage Oil/X-Plague likely will last the whole season. The Herbal Ear Drops if kept in the refrigerator will last two years, a 1 ounce bottle is the right size for most families and will take care many ear infection episodes. A bottle of Kid-e-Mune could last the season for one child if used right at the first sign of illness if it doesn’t progress. I like to have about three bottles of the Immune System Formula, Anti-Plague Capsules and Infection Formula capsules on hand and replace them as I need them. The Super Garlic Immune Formula is kept on hand for the worst illness and each person in the family would need at least one 16 oz. bottle to get over a hefty illness. It is affordable and easy to be prepared for the winter season and avoid the high cost of health care when you know how to take care of yourself and your family.
Order online or call me and I'll be happy to take your order. 1-801-228-1901
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