It is interesting to see
during this pandemic what people are buying
at Herbs First. We are selling a
lot of cleansing kits & cleansing herbs.
The body has the ability to heal
itself. Supporting our eliminating organs
and pathways is at the heart of Dr.
Christopher’s teachings. In his book, Herbal
Home Health Care, Dr. Christopher
says, “Well of ninety percent of all disease
comes from an unclean body whose
sewer is backed up. A backed up sewer means
toxins have accumulated in our
I recently read a memoir of
my nephew who died of cancer 20 years ago at
age 19. It was very common for him
to hold in his bowel movement for days and
days. When he was getting colon
hydrotherapy sessions, the therapist talked to him
about the fact that holding in the feces
is poisoning the body and she wondered if
this is why he got cancer. You need
to evacuate the bowels when you have the
urge, or it will shut down. It is a
common problem for a lot of people today.
Bowels: The bowels absorb nutrients and water we ingest and eliminate the waste that accumulates in our body. Dr. Christopher created the Lower Bowel formula that contains herbs that are laxative, gas relieving, nourishing to correct the movement, and healing. Dr Christopher's Lower Bowel Formula is available in capsules, extract and bulk powder as Fen LB
“When dealing with longstanding health problems, an extended herbal cleanse is an excellent pathway to follow.” This cleanse focuses on herbs that feed and support our eliminating pathway; the bowels, liver and gallbladder, kidneys, and bloodstream. Dr. Christopher's Herbal Cleansing Kits are available in capsules and extracts.
Liver: Our liver makes bile to digest fats, stores glucose, modifies fats, stores vitamins and iron, forms blood plasma proteins, breaks down old red blood cells, recycles or eliminates them, and detoxifies substances. Dr. Christopher formulated the Liver-Gallbladder formula to support the liver. It is available in capsules, extract and bulk cut and powder as Barberry LG
Kidneys: The kidneys aid in excretion of metabolic waste, excess salts, and toxins. They balance the water in the body, balance the pH of our bodily fluids, regulate blood pressure, and regulate red blood cell production. Dr. Christopher’s Kidney formula supports the kidneys and is available in capsules, extract and bulk powder as Junipars.
Bloodstream: Dr. Christopher said, “Our blood stream is life itself and it is our job to keep it clean and pure so that we can have a good circulatory system for delivering food to the body properly and to carry off the waste materials.” Dr. Christopher’s Blood Stream formula is a wonderful formula to help keep the blood stream clean and functioning properly. Available in capsules, extract, syrup and bulk powder and cut as Red Clover Combination.
Dr. Christopher’s
Formulas are always 25% off
free shipping with a
$75.00 order.
We sell these and other great healing herbal formulas and essential oils at Herbs First. Free shipping in the United States on your $75.00 order! Order online or phone in your order at 801-228-1901. Email me and I can send you links to help you learn more about what you need to know!
Wishing you the best as you strive to care of your family
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