My husband and I have used the Adrenal formula daily for quite some time, but when spring comes we use it even more when allergy season hits, it really helps with the “draggy” feeling. We take the Adrenal Formula on vacation and use it especially when we fly because it helps with the jet lag. When we went to Hawaii we took the Adrenal Formula several times a day and didn’t feel the time difference at all. We overheard some people talking saying they just couldn’t get over the jet lag and were having a hard time. I’ll always remember to take the Adrenal Formula with me on vacation!
This is a pretty stressful world we live in and so many people are on the go all the time and getting more and more burned out. The Adrenal Formula is the one to take when you are burning the candle at both ends. Read more about the Adrenals and Addison's Disease at Herbal Legacy.
Adrenal Formula consists of:
Mullein and lobelia: the perfect glandular foods
Siberian Ginseng: Successfully used in the Soviet Union to ease stress in everyday situations and tend endurance to athletes under great strain during training
Gotu Kola: Known to stimulate the brain and relieve fatigue when given in small amounts. Wonderful for the functioning of the pituitary in disorders of the adrenal system when used in conjunction with other herbs.
Hawthorn Berries: A celebrated cardiac tonic for many centuries. Under conditions of stress, the heart often "works overtime." Hawthorn berries can help in treatment of high or low blood pressure, tachycardia, and arrhythmia. It is also anti-spasmodic, sedative, and soothing to nerves, especially in nervous insomnia.
Cayenne: Nature's finest stimulant; source of calcium and vitamin A. Aids in circulation of blood which brings oxygen and other nutriments to cells in need of repair.
Ginger: A stimulant and a 'lead sheep' herb, bringing the other herbs in the formula into the abdominal area. Ginger differs from cayenne as a stimulant, in that the cayenne stimulates the heart, arteries, veins and then the capillaries. Ginger starts its stimulating effect in the capillary, flushing out the "constipated" capillary, driving these wastes into the veins for disposal.
Adrenal formula is available in capsules and bulk powder.
Information used by permission, Dr. Christopher's Newsletter,Volume Two - Issue Three, available in Dr. Christopher’s Complete Herbal Writings.
Order online or call me and I'll be happy to take your order. 801-228-1901
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