I always find it quite amusing how my husband and I can get through a winter without getting sick, but as soon as spring comes the hayfever hits us. Hayfever can feel like a really bad cold that just doesn’t go away. It has been an adventure to find herbal formulas that will helps us get through the spring season.
The other night as I went to bed my throat was scratchy and I kept coughing. All I could think was I don’t need a night of this! So I thought for a minute about what to do to alleviate this problem and then sprayed my throat with the Herbal Throat Spray and presto, immediate all night relief. I do love herbs!
Immucalm has been a great one over the years for the itchiness that drives you crazy. Immucalm is one of those formulas that I use quite often. It is great for allergy flare-ups, arthritis, allergic reactions, bug bites and stings, etc. I would try it for just about any problem and see what it does for it if you don’t have anything else on hand. Often our immune systems work against us and Immucalm gets right to work calming and soothing the reaction. Immucalm is one of those formulas to always have on hand. Available in vegicaps and extract as Kid-e-Soothe. Also available in bulk, combine equal parts of Astragalus and Marshmallow.
I hope these springtime formulas will make your life more enjoyable.
We will be happy to assist you in placing your order. The phone lines are open, give us a call at 801-228-1901.
You can purchase these and other great healing products at Herbs First.
I had a dream I was drowning the other night and woke up with a totally stuffed nose. I now take 3 Sinus Allergy before bed and that gets me through the night just fine. Hopefully just a few more weeks of this nonsense!