The sad part is, if people are educated this scenario would never happen. Whenever anyone tells me that they have kidney stones I always mention that we have herbs for that, but most people never ask me what to do. One man in particular has not been able to work due to the constant problem and it is very sad when simple herbs would take care of the problem so quickly and easily. In a previous newsletter we talked about how well Hydrangea Root works for dissolving stones and calcifications of any kind. You could make a tea or make an extract with the bulk herbs at a very affordable price, or take the capsules or extract. Western Botanicals has a great little formula called Stone Dissolve Tea, you make it up in Apple Cider and drink one to two quarts daily, how hard is that? Stone dissolve tea comes in a 5 oz. recloseable bag.
When Dr. Christopher treated his patients he would hand them the herbs and say, “this is a do it yourself kit”. Meaning go home, do it, and get well. Is it too much work to mix up a tea and drink it? Why would people ever think it is better to have surgery with the risks involved? I find it very sad that people will not be open to herbal medicine and end up in the sad shape as our friend at church.
There would be no health care crisis if people would learn how to take care of themselves with these wonderful herbs that have been placed on the earth for our benefit. I wish you much success in taking care of yourself and your family.
Order online or call me and I'll be happy to take your order. 801-228-1901
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