I have had several people call lately with
the same problem, needing a large amount of a single herb extract, but feeling
it was too expensive to buy so many bottles of 4 oz. extract.

The second customer needed a large amount
of a single extract as well. When I asked if he was interested in making it
himself, he asked how. I emailed him the instructions and he emailed back
saying, “I wish someone had told me this ten years ago!” I’m happy to help people
save money when I can. I know how hard it is when you need to get the money to
I suggest for people to make their own extract
when they are going through a lot of it. Most often they don’t want to, which works
too, because we need the orders! We are here for you if you have a special
need, just let us know and we’ll try to help you with it!

How to make an Alcohol Extract
Herbal Preparations and Natural Therapies, Debra Nuzzi St.
Claire recommends using 100 proof vodka, which is readily
available and is equal to the required solution of 50 percent alcohol and 50 percent
water. Use four ounces of herb to one pint of alcohol. The herb should be
finely cut or powdered, placed in a clean glass jar.
After pouring the alcohol over the herb, the jar is tightly covered. Shake the jar for a minute or two each day. At the end of two weeks, strain the tincture through cheesecloth, a jelly bag, or a coffee filter. If you happen to have a wine press, you could use that. "It is best to put up one's tincture on the new moon and strain it off on the full moon so that the drawing power of the waxing moon will help extract the herbal properties". Store herbal tinctures in dark glass bottles away from heat and light.
After pouring the alcohol over the herb, the jar is tightly covered. Shake the jar for a minute or two each day. At the end of two weeks, strain the tincture through cheesecloth, a jelly bag, or a coffee filter. If you happen to have a wine press, you could use that. "It is best to put up one's tincture on the new moon and strain it off on the full moon so that the drawing power of the waxing moon will help extract the herbal properties". Store herbal tinctures in dark glass bottles away from heat and light.
We sell these and other great healing herbal formulas and essential oils at Herbs First. Free shipping in the United States on your $75.00 order! Order online or phone in your order at 801-228-1901. Email me and I can send you links to help you learn more about what you need to know!
Wishing you the
best as you strive to care of your
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