Suggested supply as a minimum is
one 16 oz. bottle of syrup per person in the
household. Three bottles of capsules per person if you can't handle the syrup. We have both, since my husband can't handle the syrup. Dr Christopher's Super Garlic Immune Formula is the Anti Plague formula. We have it in stock, I like to plan on at least one 16 oz. bottle per person.
those of you that like to make your own
herbals and stretch
your money like I do, I’ll share with you how
to make Dr. Christopher’s famous
Anti-Plague. Be sure to save your brown
bottles, to remove the labels use a
hair dryer to heat the label and peel it off.
Making Anti-Plague is a big
project, but once you do it you realize if you
can make Anti-Plague you can
make anything!
Christopher’s Liquid Anti-Plague Formula
Using 4 oz. as a part will make about a gallon. If you are buying one Anti-Plague kit it uses 4 oz. as a part. Plan on the below, buy the bigger bags if you are going to make a bigger batch:
8 parts apple cider vinegar - 32 oz.
5 parts glycerine - 20 oz.
5 parts honey - 20 oz.
2 parts garlic juice, fresh - 8 oz
2 parts comfrey root concentrate, use fresh root for best results* - 8 oz.
1 part wormwood concentrate - 4 oz.
1 part lobelia leaf concentrate - 4 oz.
1 part marshmallow root concentrate - 4 oz.
1 part white oak bark concentrate - 4 oz.
1 part black walnut hull concentrate - 4 oz.
1 part mullein leaf concentrate - 4 oz.
1 part scullcap leaf concentrate - 4 oz.
1 part uva ursi, hydrangea or gravel root concentrate - 4 oz.
*if using fresh comfrey use a bit more to come up with the same concentration as the dried. So in the above I would use about 12 oz or so to make up for the water content in the fresh comfrey.
I start on Monday making the garlic/apple cider vinegar and finish up on Saturday with combining everything.
Using 4 oz. as a part will make about a gallon. If you are buying one Anti-Plague kit it uses 4 oz. as a part. Plan on the below, buy the bigger bags if you are going to make a bigger batch:
8 parts apple cider vinegar - 32 oz.
5 parts glycerine - 20 oz.
5 parts honey - 20 oz.
2 parts garlic juice, fresh - 8 oz
2 parts comfrey root concentrate, use fresh root for best results* - 8 oz.
1 part wormwood concentrate - 4 oz.
1 part lobelia leaf concentrate - 4 oz.
1 part marshmallow root concentrate - 4 oz.
1 part white oak bark concentrate - 4 oz.
1 part black walnut hull concentrate - 4 oz.
1 part mullein leaf concentrate - 4 oz.
1 part scullcap leaf concentrate - 4 oz.
1 part uva ursi, hydrangea or gravel root concentrate - 4 oz.
*if using fresh comfrey use a bit more to come up with the same concentration as the dried. So in the above I would use about 12 oz or so to make up for the water content in the fresh comfrey.
I start on Monday making the garlic/apple cider vinegar and finish up on Saturday with combining everything.
make the garlic juice. I can get 8 oz. of
garlic juice
out of a pound of garlic when using my Green
Star Juicer. Other juicers
will likely need more garlic to get that much
juice. Add garlic juice and pulp
to the vinegar and shake 2-3 times a day for 4
- 5 days to get the rest of the
goodness out of the pulp. Note that it often
turns green looking, I don’t know
why but most people tell me this
happens. With all the Anti-Plague I have
used over the years it hasn’t killed me!
If you don’t have a juicer use this alternative method: for the example of parts above amount use 2 1/2 lbs. of garlic - peel, blend in blender with vinegar (do not liquify). Let set for 4 - 5 days, shaking several times per day.
To make the concentrates:
Each concentrate should be made individually. Use only stainless steel or glass pots. Start by soaking the herb in enough distilled water to cover it for four hours and over- night if it is a root. After soaking add more distilled water so that the total added equals 16 oz. water per 4 oz. of herb. Mullein is quite fluffy and you will end up adding a lot more water to it, and after the soaking you may need to add more water to some of the herbs as well, since it will have soaked it up. This is ok, just keep following the directions.
If you don’t have a juicer use this alternative method: for the example of parts above amount use 2 1/2 lbs. of garlic - peel, blend in blender with vinegar (do not liquify). Let set for 4 - 5 days, shaking several times per day.
To make the concentrates:
Each concentrate should be made individually. Use only stainless steel or glass pots. Start by soaking the herb in enough distilled water to cover it for four hours and over- night if it is a root. After soaking add more distilled water so that the total added equals 16 oz. water per 4 oz. of herb. Mullein is quite fluffy and you will end up adding a lot more water to it, and after the soaking you may need to add more water to some of the herbs as well, since it will have soaked it up. This is ok, just keep following the directions.

Only after all the ingredients have been prepared should the liquids be mixed. It takes me 2 days to get the concentrates made. I do some on Thursday and the others on Friday, then I refrigerate the concentrates until they are ready to mix. Be sure they are all the same temperature before combining. Combine the herbs first, if you do get some clumping going on after adding the comfrey, then blend it in a vitamix and strain well. Add the garlic and vinegar mixture, glycerine and honey last.
On Saturday I squeeze out the garlic from the vinegar, make sure there is a total of 40 oz., if not then add more apple cider vinegar to make bring it up to 40 oz. combined ACV/garlic juice. Add the honey, glycerine and liquid herbs to the ACV/garlic juice and mix well. Bottle and label and keep in a cool place. I keep mine in the back of the fridge so they are out of the way but at a controlled temperature. Dr. Christopher talks about it being good for ten years or more and I have used ten year old Anti-Plague and it works! Now you know how to make it!

Our last
newsletter talked about Elderberry
being great for killing virus bugs as
well, I have been using it daily and haven't
been sick all winter. If we run out of the
anti-plague formulas, get some Elderberry
We sell these and other great healing herbal formulas and essential oils at Herbs First. Free shipping in the United States on your $75.00 order! Order online or phone in your order at 801-228-1901. Email me and I can send you links to help you learn more about what you need to know!
Wishing you the
best as you strive to care of your
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