On Easter Sunday we had no indication that we were going to be sick. We
went to church, had lunch with family and visited throughout the
day. We headed home about 5:00 and I noticed that my husband Don’s
voice sounded a bit like he was getting a cold. By the time we got home
Don had to have a nap and when got up a while later he was feeling a
bit worse. He took a hot bath and took Immu-Defense in hopes of burning
it off, but by the time he went to bed he was feeling quite sick.
Within a short period of time I could feel the difference in my body from the Goldenseal Combination, so I kept taking it. When Don roused I had him start taking it as well. We both kept taking Goldenseal Combination all night long. I woke up about 10:00 am the next morning and felt so much improved that I was able to work, Don on the other hand still slept half the day since it had settled into his lungs. He added Dr. Christopher's Lung & Bronchial to help clear the lungs.
I was pretty surprised that the Anti-Plague/Immu-Defense didn’t work for us, because it has been our stand-by for years. Maybe our bodies became a bit too accustomed to the herbs in it and needed something else. I always keep a variety of formulas for illness in the cabinet and rotate them, such as Dr. Christopher's Infection Formula, Immune System Formula, and Western Botanicals Immu-Defense and Immune Boost, etc. This time I’m happy that we had the Goldenseal Combination, and this formula will be one that I will always keep on hand.
We always find it is best to stay on the formula that is working for a week or two after being sick. This helps us to not relapse and rebuilds the immune system back up.
Have a great month!
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