I have been using
Dr. Christopher’s Sleep
Well formula
for quite a few years. This is a great little sleep extract that comes
in a handy plastic spray bottle. I keep one by my bed and often will
shoot a few sprays as I get into bed at night or if I wake up in the
middle of the night. It works well for me and this little bottle
lasts me for quite a long time. I always take a bottle on
vacation, nothing worse than your sleep being thrown off by different
time zones.
Order Sleep Well Spray.

It is important to your health to get a good night’s sleep, and having
a natural sleep aid to use that does not have negative side effects is
a plus.
Dr. Christopher’s Slumber
Formula, helps the body relax for a natural slumber. It
works well for insomnia, jet lag and general sleeplessness.
Order Slumber capsules.
Western Botanicals Sweet
Dreams formula
is a natural, non narcotic, non-alcohol based herbal product which
helps to relax the body, mind and spirit allowing you to gently drift
into sleep. Used effectively by children and adults. Not habit forming
and completely non toxic to the system.
Order Sweet Dreams capsules or
Botanicals Nerve
Calm Formula
is both sedative and anti-spasmodic designed to relax, sedate and
relieve tension and muscle spasm. For insomnia and anxiety. Very
calming to the nerves in times of stress and one that I choose to use
when I have had one of “those” days.
Nerve Calm in capsules, extract
or syrup.
Kava is an herb that is available to
in capsules, extract
and bulk cut and
Kava Kava has been a personal favorite of mine for many years. It
is an amazing muscle relaxant and one I use at bedtime when I have
stiff muscles. I usually am able to wake up in the morning refreshed
and pain-free after taking Kava Kava at bedtime. It is one that I
don’t need very often, but when I do need it I’m grateful to have it.
As you can see there are a lot of good choices when
it comes to natural sleep aids. I like to have several formulas
on hand and will trade off between them, though if I wake up in the
middle of the night I reach for the Sleep Well Spray!
Have a great
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