Spring is in full swing and so is hay fever season
for many people. Last year my husband and I did a
three day cleanse at the
beginning of the symptoms and had a great year. I would highly
recommend it for anyone that has problems with seasonal allergies.

My husband is having some mild hay
fever symptoms and so far
Dr. Christopher’s Immucalm is
working for him. Immucalm was designed to calm yet strengthen the
body's immune responses. Often we believe that we are allergic to
certain foods, plants or animals, but in reality our immune system may
be just overreacting. This simple combination of Marshmallow root and
Astragalus has made life easier for those who suffer from allergies,
hay fever, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis or any hyperactive immune
Order Immucalm capsules.
Dr. Christopher’s Kid-e-Soothe
is the children’s version of Immucalm and is in an easy to administer
glycerine extract with natural cherry flavoring. I like to keep this on
hand, you never know when a child is going to react to foods, bug bites
or air-born allergies.
Kid-e-Soothe extract.

I have had some mild stuffiness
have taken
Dr. Christopher’s Sinus Plus Formula
which is a natural herbal help for clearing up allergies, sinus and hay
fever. It works as a decongestant and natural antihistamine to dry up
the nasal passages. No drowsiness when using this
formula because it is all natural.
Sinus Plus capsules or glycerine

I have also had great success
Western Botanicals Seasonal Sinus Formula
formerly named Sinus Allergy Formula, which works to relieve sinus
congestion and draining associated with allergies. The effects of this
powerful formula can be felt immediately if taken in extract.
Seasonal Sinus capsules, alcohol
extract or syrup.
I know these formulas will help you get through the
seasonal allergy season. Be sure to do a
three day cleanse if the
symptoms get to be too much.
Have a great