Thursday, December 13, 2012

Use herbs from infancy to elderly

    Often people will ask if we have herbs that are suitable for infants and children.  Natural medicine is suitable for the youngest infant to the elderly. We have liquid formulas that would be easy to administer to an infant, child or an elderly person that has a hard time getting the capsules down.  The liquids get right to work as soon as they are in the system, so they really are the better way to take herbs.

kidemune    We took care of a an infant for a few days and I noticed that he was showing signs of getting sick. I gave him 5 drops of the Kid-e-Mune a couple of times to boost his immune system and he got well. My family was able to enjoy the few days that we had with him and I was relieved that we could give a healthy baby to his parents. 

kidecol    Kid-e-Col is the famous Catnip and Fennel combination that is used for colic and gas.  It works amazingly fast and is a blessing for a little one suffering with digestive issues. Kid-e-Reg helps to strengthen and cleanse the lower bowel. It is sad to see a little baby having a hard time having a bowel movement. This formula is gentle and gets things moving in the right direction. Kid-e-Soothe is for allergic reactions and would be used instead of Benadryl. Kid-e-Well is used in times of cold and flu to help strengthen and assist the immune system.  Dosage for these formulas  is 5 drops to 20 drops. The taste of these formulas is mild and essential oils have been used to flavor the them.  I would give my baby 5 drops and go up from there as they get bigger. To order these formulas click on this link.

    Many of Christopher’s formulas are available in glycerine extract. Liquid herbs get into the system much faster and for cleansing herbs such as the Liver and Gall Bladder formula, it is best to taste the bitter herb which prepares the liver for the cleansing.  Herbs often are not very tasty, so be prepared for some interesting flavors.
Immune Boost Syrup    Western Botanicals has some really great formulas in alcohol extract and syrup.  I love the syrups, they often contain ingredients to make them more palatable.  I love the Immune Boost Syrup, it has Maple Syrup in it which hides the taste of the herbs.  Kids willingly take this formula.  The Herbal Throat Spray is a great one for sore throats.  It is the same formula as the Herbal Cough Syrup in a little spray bottle. The Herbal Mouthwash is a concentrate that you dilute in water.  It is tasty and does a good job killing bacteria, even helpful for sore throats.  Pain Relief Syrup is one of the only natural pain formulas I have seen in liquid form.  Look through the pages, I’m sure you will be amazed at the variety that is available.

    When I was new to herbs I tried them on myself first.  As I noticed how they worked it wasn’t long before I had the confidence to use them on my family and pets. I no longer worry when we are exposed to sick people, we come home and take herbs to boost our immune system and we rarely get sick.  I have my own herbal pharmacy at home and we can handle anything that comes our way!


  1. substitute for Benadryl - emergency itching?

    1. I would use the Immucalm formula, it works very well for allergic reactions:

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