I have had great success with treating my dogs with Christopher's
formulas. I had to find out the hard way with a tricky dog
that would “cheek” the capsules and spit them out
when I wasn’t looking. It is so easy to open their mouth and
squirt in the liquid herbs and the dosage is pretty small, so they
really can’t spit it out. Treating a pet is similar
to treating an infant or small child that isn’t
verbal. You have to be in tune with your pet to know that
there is a problem. Every time I have treated my dog with one
of our great herbal formulas it has worked. Makes you feel good to know
that you can help keep your family healthy as well as your pets.

Pets can
get eye infections and when this has happens I mix up a
batch of the
Eyebright eyewash by boiling some distilled water and put a
tablespoon of the boiled water into a clean dropper bottle and add 2
drops of the Herbal Eyebright extract to the bottle. I will
then “wash” my pets eyes using the eyedropper to
drop the liquid into their eyes several times a day. This
will usually clear up the problem in a day or two. I mix up a
fresh batch daily as well as boiling the bottle and pipette to make
sure they are sterile. This is an easy and affordable way to
treat an eye problem in a pet.

Pets can
get constipated.
or the
Bowel Formula in extract is easy to administer and works
pretty quickly to take care of the issue. Start with 2 to 5
drops for the small to medium
sized dog or cat. Use a larger amount for the big guys, but
it is good to start out with a small dosage and work up from
there. Both Kid-e-Reg and the Lower Bowel Formula are gentle,
but be wise by starting out with the lower dosage and going up from
there to avoid any problems.

Pets can
have allergic reactions just like people.
will help calm down the any allergic reaction and is quick and
effective. This is very mild tasting and easy to get pets to
is a great formula for those aging pets that are having bladder
issues. Going through aging with pets can be challenging.
Kid-e-Dry will help to strengthen the entire urethral canal, kidneys,
bladder, etc. Also helpful for young pets learning to control their
body functions.

Tissue and Bone formula is very effective for a pet
that is recovering from an injury or an aging pet. It is available in
syrup, but I wouldn’t hesitate to give my pet capsules, since
this is a formula that I have used for myself in large amounts with
good results. Complete Tissue and Bone will help repair the
aging joints and tissues that give pets problem in their old
works great for the gassy dog that is going through
gastrointestinal issues. It is tasty and works pretty quickly to take
care of the problem.

We have
to calm our dog while traveling. Our present dog Suzy
hadn’t traveled much and was pretty hyper in the car. I
decided to give her the Relax-Eze and she was calm and happy on our
two trips we made up to Washington when my father was dying. It was
nice to be able to take her with us and great that she actually enjoyed
the trip.

I would
give my pet the
Formula if they were diabetic. This happens when
pets are fed sugary foods that their system can’t
handle. Out in nature pets wouldn’t be eating those types of
foods. It would be best to get their diet back to their natural foods,
and along
with the Pancreas Formula it should get them back to good health

called me one day saying that her cat was sick and she
could not afford to take her to the vet. She hoped
that I had something that would help. I decided on some
Extract which is the same as
and works well to help boost the body's immune system. I left
a bottle with her and she
let me know that the cat was acting more itself by the next day. She
kept the bottle and was able to use it on several occasions which saved
her several trips to the vet.
For any other issues
with pets
just think through what you would do for yourself and try it.
I have had great success with treating my dogs with the
herbs. I like using the liquid herbs, because you can adjust
the dosage easier than with the capsules. I hope that you will enjoy
using these great products for yourself, your family as well as your
can order
online at Herbs First
or call in an order at 801-228-1901.
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