When my daughter Valerie was in second grade she had an assignment to write about each member of her family. Here is what she wrote about me: “My Mom is almost a doctor”. This statement makes me smile and wonder what the teacher thought. I know that at that point in time my seven year old couldn’t remember going to the doctor, though when my kids were little we had lots of trips to the doctor for ear infections. This got to be very expensive and rather tiresome, especially with my son Kyle who never got better with all of the different antibiotics.
Unfortunately the multiple ear infections caused some hearing loss and Kyle was developmentally delayed, so he attended preschool to help him catch up. Before this time this little guy was sick for three weeks and well for two days all winter long. One of the first Christopher formulas that I learned about was Anti Plague, which is now called Super Garlic Immune Formula. Kyle would take a dose of Anti Plague every day he was well and three to six times a day when he was sick. After a year of this he became our healthy one. We quickly started to learn that if you treat something as soon as the symptoms occur that we could avoid illness. Our kids were rarely sick and hardly ever missed school after this time.
I woke up with a badly sprained ankle one day and after getting my kids to school just watched TV all day with a bottle of water and a bottle of Complete Tissue and Bone Formula. I elevated my foot and iced it and took a dose every half hour of the Complete Tissue and Bone Formula. When it was time to pick my kids up from school my ankle was completely healed. Half a bottle of Complete Tissue and Bone formula costs $6.00 - how much does a trip to the ER cost, plus pain killers, crutches, time off of work? Is it worth having a few bottles when you need them?
Valerie had a sleep-over over a long weekend with a friend when she was about ten. It was dark when I picked her up and she mentioned that her face was bumpy. I reached over and felt her face and was shocked at what I felt. She had that kind of acne that is under the skin all over her entire face. I knew a girl when I was going to high school that had this type of acne and it really frightened me to have this happen to my daughter. I asked her what she had been eating and she said all junk - junky cereal, chips, cookies, crackers, lots of sugar, etc. Not the type of food my kids eat very often at our house. I decided that she needed some cleansing, so I gave her the Liver Gall Bladder formula to see what that would do. In a day or two her face was back to normal, I was relieved as well as amazed at the quick results. She only had a few doses of herbs, so for less than $1.00 we took care of this problem.
I was happy for the quick resolving of the acne having no idea when I gave Valerie the Liver Gall Bladder formula if it would do anything. That is how using natural medicine is, you think through the problem and then try something and see what happens. Isn’t that what doctors do? Except they are prescribing medications that have side effects and cost far more money in a visit and the cost of the medication than the herbs cost. It is much wiser to try something natural on your family, and if it doesn’t work it doesn’t do any harm. It makes sense to have some of these great products in our homes, so that when something happens we can think things through and then go to our own “pharmacy” and pick out the right formula for the problem.
Here is a short list of a minimum of what I would have on hand, though I have much more. It would cost between $300.00 to $400.00 plus shipping for one of everything on this list - depending on if you need the herbs for children. Having these formulas on hand is a great start to taking care of your family. The money you spend on herbs now will be saved many times over in the money you would have incurred going to the doctor, emergency room, etc.
Herbs for children: Herbal Ear Drops, Kid-e-Col, Kid-e-Mune, Kid-e-Reg, Kid-e-Soothe, Kid-e-Well
Cleansing Herbs: Blood Stream Formula, Liver & Gall Blad Formula, Kidney Formula, & Lower Bowel Formula
Herbs for illness: Chest Formula, Cold Season Immune Formula, Infection Formula, Glandular System Formula, Immune System Formula, Lung & Bronchial Formula, Gland System Mass. Oil, X-Plague Essential Oil Blend.
Herbs for digestion/gastrointestinal issues: Gas-Eze, Soothing Digestion Formula, Digestion Essential Oil Blend.
Herbs for injuries, pain & healing: Complete Tissue & Bone formula & ointment, Deep Heat Ointment, Stop-Ache
Herbs for stress: Mindtrac, Relax-Eze, Slumber
Summer herbs & ointments: Immucalm, Sinus Plus Formula, Itch Ointment, Stings & Bites Ointment
Herbs for energy: Adrenal Formula, Bee Power Energy.
It is time to move from being an herb dabbler and jump right in and become a full fledged Dr. Mom or Dr. Dad!!! You can do it! The list could go on and on, learn how to use these and then learn about the other formulas and keep them on hand as well. There is no health care crisis when you can take care of your family on your own,
Stock up on all of your favorite Christopher formulas - save an additional 10% off our already discounted pricing when you order two or more Christopher items. You can order online at Herbs First or call in an order at 801-228-1901.
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