feels good to know that I can take care of my family’s health
needs when we are home, but how do I get this herb cabinet into my
suitcase when I am traveling? Quite a dilemma. For several
years I took a small duffle bag full of the bottles of herbs that I
hoped would cover us in any situation, but after a few years it got to
be too much and I had to find a way to consolidate things.

finally came up with using the tiny bags where I can cram 25 capsules
into each bag and then put them all into a quart sized ziplock
bag. It has worked well and I have continued to use this
method for the last five years.
is what I take on vacation:
Formula - wow, is this the best ever formula for a
vacation, so amazing for jet lag! We used this when we went
to Hawaii and no problem whatsoever with the time change. I
would never go on vacation without this formula.
Charcoal - this one will be a lifesaver if you have
the unfortunate situation of food poisoning. I also take a
small homeopathic kit and use Arsenicum for this problem.
- You never know when you might come down with something, no-one wants
to be sick on vacation.
Circulation Formula - this is the blood pressure
formula and I tend to get stressed out sometimes and this is the one I
- Dr. Christopher’s favorite, always have this one on hand in
case of bleeding, heart attack, or stroke. Open a few
capsules and mix in warm water and drink it down. My Grandma
felt like she was having a heart attack one day and half an hour after
giving her the cayenne she said she felt like it never
happened. This one is truly a lifesaver.
Tissue and Bone Formula - one of my favorite
formulas, it can heal sprained ankles, or just sore feet from all the
extra walking. Hopefully nothing big happens, you can go
through a lot of capsules quickly when you need them. Depending on the
trip I may opt to take a whole bottle just to be safe.
Buchu - I tend to have bladder infection problems
when I don’t have my
water to drink. We usually take about
three gallons of water with us when we are driving, but on plane trips
I am out of luck. It only takes a few days off the alkaline
water for my bladder to let me know that it isn’t
happy. These little guys get me through until I get home to
my water.
Elm- great for gas and intestinal upsets.
- wow, does this ever work for airsickness or carsickness. I
take it about 15 minutes before the flight takes off and I am
fine. I will take it as we get into the car if we are going
up a windy road and no sickness at all. It doesn’t put me to
sleep like dramamine does!!
Formula - long days in the sun will get to me at
times, so it is good to have something in case of a headache!
- if it is allergy season I take a full bottle, but the rest of the
year a little bag is enough. Great for calming down allergic
reactions - food related or airborne.
Immune System
Formula or
Infection Formula
- at least one of these along with the Anti-Plague will keep us covered
in case of any illness, we take it at the first sign of illness before
it ever has time to develop into a problem.
- for those occasional flare-ups of arthritis that happen when not
quite eating my regular diet or when over walking affects my knees.
Kava - a favorite night time remedy to calm
overworked muscles, which often happens when vacationing.
Very relaxing and I usually wake up feeling great.
If muscles are still an issue I use the
Heat Ointment.
Formula - I take this with the Cranberry Buchu if I
have a bladder infection problem.
Bowel Formula - a must for traveling, eating on
vacation changes the system a bit and the Lower Bowel will keep things
and Bronchial - I have weak lungs, so in case
a bug attempts to get me, or with hay fever where I sometimes get a
cough this works great!
- for times of stress, and travel can be stressful. I take this one at
night if my brain just won’t turn off. We use the
formula a lot at our house.
- can be taken with the Mindtrac if something more is needed for
stress. Amazing for nerve pain. Also a good sleep
Sinus Allergy
- I take a big bottle of this if it is allergy season, but off season a
little bag will get us through if we need it.
all of the above I fill the little bags with a morning and evening
herbs that each person needs to take daily. We also always take a
bottle of Complete
Tissue and
Bone Ointment as well as the
Heat Ointment with us.
and Bites ointment if we are going to be out in
nature. For sunburn
Skin Care Cream is wonderful, I always have it with
me since it is my lotion of choice. I also take
extract which is useful in case of poisonous bites of any kind where
you would need to get to the hospital. It will help bring
your immune system up to fight off the poison until you can get help.
Take several squirts every 10 minutes or even more often than
that if needed as you make your way to the hospital.
packing for a trip the herbs are always the first thing I
prepare. I make sure the little bags are full and get the
family’s personal herbs together. I never want to have some
problem crop up that I can’t handle.
can order
online at Herbs First or call in an order at 801-228-1901.