Birth-Prep Formula is back in stock. There were availability problems on some of the herbs that kept this great formula out of stock for quite a few months. It was quite distressing to many pregnant women who were getting close to the end of their pregnancy. This formula has been well known for many years by midwives to be the formula that helps to shorten labor, and make the child birthing process much quicker and easier for the mother. I don’t know of any other formula on the market that does what this formula does, and was quite relieved to have it back in stock again. Birth-Prep was renamed in the last year and was formerly known as Pre-Natal Tea and PN6. Read more about this great formula at
Herbal Legacy. Available in
Dr. Christopher loved people and he had a deep desire to help them. For just about any problem there is an herbal solution which is safe and easy to use. Christopher’s has released a “new” product that has been used for years to assist the milk flow while breast feeding. Any mother who has tried to nurse knows the worry and frustration when there are problems feeding a hungry infant.

This fast and effective
Mother's Milk formula contains 11 carefully chosen herbs that are historically known to be used by nursing mothers to overcome the obstacles associated with breast feeding. If you look at this formulation carefully you will find that both the mother and babies nutritional needs are considered in this formula. This calming formulation contains two of the most important considerations by nourishing both mother and child. Available in
vegicaps.Keep these wonderful herbal formulas in mind for yourself or a family member. They will thank you for the information.
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