I happened to have the TV on the other day and the Dr. Oz show was on, he talking about the flu. What took me by surprise is that Dr. Oz said that if you think you have been exposed to the flu, then start taking 4 TB of elderberry extract immediately. You should take 4 TB a day for three days, and the Elderberry will actually help to reduce the duration of the flu as well as reduce your chances of getting the flu. Wow, I was impressed because this is an herbal remedy being recommended by a doctor, and one that I wasn’t all that familiar with in spite of the fact that we have it available at Herbs First. I read through a lot of information on Elderberry and it is a well known immune booster, flu and virus fighter, etc.
Western Botanicals Elderberry bulk whole berries. Make your own extract!
Elderberry is certainly better tasting than Anti Plague, though I will always have a supply of Anti Plague (Super Garlic Immune Formula) on hand. I have talked to several people lately that have been using the Sambucus Syrup with their kids in the winter with great success. It certainly would be easier to get them to take! My poor kids got the Anti-Plague, but they lived. Reach for herbs as your first choice for any ailment.
This is a great month to stock up on your favorite Christopher formulas.
You can purchase these and other great healing products at Herbs First.