I had a gal call the other day looking for some help with neuropathy in her feet. I told her what I would do, which is take the Nerve Reinforcement formula internally, along with using the Nerve Damage essential oil mixed into the Complete Tissue and Bone Massage Oil. I would also take the Complete Tissue and Bone Formula internally to aid in the healing.

I then asked her if she knew the reason why she has neuropathy in her feet and she said she is diabetic. I asked if she was using the Pancreas Formula an she said no. We talked about needing to treat the cause of the neuropathy so that she can have a successful healing. We talked about diet, which is what Dr. Christopher always did with his patients. Diet needs to change in order for the healing to happen. With diabetes you can’t mess around with eating sugar and grains that turn to sugar. I suggested looking up Paleo recipes to replace the grain foods. Almond flour and coconut flour make good pancakes, muffins, etc. She ordered everything that we had talked about, and it is up to her to make the big change which is diet.
Is your health where
want it to be? Are you willing
to take responsibility for your health?
Dr. Christopher taught that there are no
incurable diseases, only incurable
people – people that aren’t willing to make
the changes necessary in order for
the healing to happen. You can find Dr.
Christopher’s healing programs here.
here to help, just give me a call!
online at Herbs
First or call
801-228-1901 to place your order
Wishing you the best in health for you and your family!
Wishing you the best in health for you and your family!
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