I talk about this
formula way too much, so hopefully you are understanding the importance
of having
Christopher’s Complete Tissue and Bone Formula on hand. I was
attempting to open up a coconut , but it was a really hard nut and I
wasn’t getting anywhere with it. My husband decided to help me
and as he took the coconut it slipped and dropped on my big toe! It hit
just right, or wrong for me, and boy did it hurt. The pain was rather
numbing and after a minute or two and looking at my toe I decided to
get the Complete Tissue and Bone formula into me. I really
thought I would wake up to a bruised toe, and I certainly would have if
I hadn’t taken it. We had planned on going on a walk after
opening the coconut, but after that I said there was no way I was going
on a walk it hurt too much.
About half an hour after taking
Dr Christopher’s Complete Tissue and Bone
Formula the pain was gone so we went on our walk. I
totally forgot about it until I was talking to a customer about
the Complete Tissue and Bone Formula the next day. She asked me
if I used it and I replied that I did just yesterday and then realized
that I hadn’t even thought about my toe at all that day. I looked
at it and it was fine. Another success story!
Christopher’s Complete Tissue and Bone Ointment is another
must have on hand item. My sister has had great results using it for
carpal tunnel, that’s better than
surgery! We love to use it on our
joints and anywhere it hurts.
I’ve used it on
blisters, just
kept a band aid wet with the ointment and had the new skin grow
completely in a week. Use it for
strains and so on. I have used
it on
burns and had the pain
gone within minutes. Keep the ointment on the burn just add more
ointment as needed and not removing the old, and most will heal with no
scars. Great for
sunburns and
more, just try it and see for yourself!.

Read some great healing
stories about
Dr. Christopher’s
Complete Tissue and Bone Formula on
Herbal Legacy,
finger re-grown
after accident,
spinal problems and
more. Listen to Dr. Christopher as he teaches people
how to use all of his formulas on the
Christopher’s Herb Lectures CD’s.
Call to order: 801-228-1901
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