The new year is here and if you are one of the many people with weight
loss at the top of your list, you need to know that we have a few
products that can help you make that goal. We still have the
hCG ezTrim
available and I feel it is one of the best weight loss tools I have
ever used. I never thought I would be able to lose the weight
until I used hCG ezTrim. Unfortunately the FDA has decided
that they want it off the market, so for a very limited time we still
have some available. You can
about the diet it to decide if this product is right for
you. I love this diet, the weight loss is very fast when you
follow it. Stock up now before it is gone.
Edge Fat Burners are an additional 10% off of our
already discounted price. This product has all natural
sweeteners and it is a great way to get protein without the extra
calories. If you are doing Weight Watchers the Vanilla Fat
Burner is only 3 points made as directed with water. The
Chocolate Fat Burner is 4 points, and let me tell you, if you need your
chocolate fix, this one hits the spot. I like to make my
shakes with coconut milk, which only adds 1 point, and makes a richer
creamy consistency that is incredible. I like to add a banana
to the chocolate and strawberries or other berries to the vanilla for a
nice treat. If you are going to use a shake to aid in weight
loss or help you maintain your weight, then this is the one you want
because of the all natural ingredients. The extra sale this
month makes it that much more affordable.

Western Botanicals
Loss Formula builds and strengthens the glands and organs of
the body allowing for optimal function and optimal weight. I
find that it helps decrease the sugar cravings as well as curbing
hunger. It helps me on those days that I have the munchies,
helps me get back in control and stick to my goals. Available
extract and

Herbal Weight Loss Formula is a synergistic blend of whole
herbs designed to assist the body in burning calories (fat burners)
while controlling the appetite and hunger pains. This thermogenic
formula has a stimulant effect, as well as cleansing with cleansing
herbs and strengthening the digestive system. When losing weight the
body gets depleted of vital nutrients. While most thermogenic fat
burner formulas deplete the body of vital nutrition, Metaburn supplies
the essential vitamins and minerals needed for proper body
function. Available in

Formula acts as a blood purifier, aids kidneys in relieving
excess fluids, feeds the body for relief from nervous tension generally
caused by diets, appeases the appetite, feeds the thyroid and other
malfunctioning glands and thus gains a healthier state for holding
weight control. Any of the three herbal formulas will be a great
addition to your weight loss plan. Available in
We wish you much success in 2012 in reaching your healthy weight goals!
I've found that following the mucusless diet, I don't have any weight issues.