Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Dr. Christopher's Nerve Sheath Formula

Dr. Christopher's Nerve
                                            Sheath FormulaI was happy when Dr Christopher’s came out with four new formulas. The last two weeks we introduced Dr. Christopher’s Heart Formula and Dr. Christopher’s VRL (viral) Formula. I am thrilled with Dr. Christopher’s Nerve Sheath Formula and feel it will help a lot of people to heal. 

Fixing Nerve Sheaths: A Repair Guide for Your Body's Wiring

Imagine your body's nerves like electrical cords. These cords have a special coating called myelin that helps messages travel quickly and clearly. Just like the plastic coating on cords protects them, myelin protects nerves. But sometimes this coating can wear away, causing problems.

What Are Nerve Sheaths?

Nerve sheaths are like protective coats for your body's nerves. They help messages travel fast and stay strong. Think of them as the insulation on an electrical cord. If the insulation breaks, the signal gets weak, like when a cord sparks or doesn't work. Our body's nerves can have similar problems when their protective sheaths get damaged.

Why Do Nerve Sheaths Matter?

Nerve sheaths are important because they help messages move smoothly in our bodies. When they're damaged, things can go wrong. It's like if your Wi-Fi signal gets weak and your computer can't connect properly.

Signs of Nerve Sheath Problems

When nerve sheaths aren't working well, you might have issues like trouble seeing, balancing, or moving. You could feel numb, weak, tired, or even have mood changes. These problems happen because the signals in your body aren't going where they should.

Repairing Nerve Sheaths

Good news! Nerve sheaths can be fixed. To repair them, our body needs certain materials, like a repair kit. Imagine it's like fixing a toy with all the right parts. If we're missing some parts, the repair doesn't work well.

What Helps Repair Nerve Sheaths?

Eating the right foods is vitally important and is like giving our body the repair kit it needs. Fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds are like the important pieces for fixing our nerve sheaths. Herbs gives our body the extra help it needs to heal.

Dr. Christopher's Nerve Sheath Formula

Dr. Christopher's made a special formula to help repair nerve sheaths. This formula contains nutrients that are hard to get from regular foods. For example, it has uridine which is important for nerve sheath repair.

Herbs and Ingredients

The herbs and nutrients in this formula are amazing for nerve repair:

  • Skullcap: This herb  supplies zinc and copper, without which nerve sheath repair doesn’t happen.

  • Cayenne: stimulates the production of myelin nerve sheath and provides zinc, vitamin C and safe amounts of lithium which must be present for sheath repair.

  • Bilberry: provides zinc and flavonoids.

  • Nutritional yeast: provides important vitamins, especially B vitamins like biotin and B-12.

  • Flax: provides omega fatty acids.

  • Kelp: provides necessary iodine in safe and plentiful amounts.

  • Lion's Mane: helps make more myelin.

  • Hops: provides uridine, and important nutrient for myelin repair.

  • Ginkgo:  increases myelinated oxons which are an absolute component of myelin.

  • Dandelion and Raw Cacao: are the highest sources of plant-based iron, which is also needed to produce myelin nerve sheath.

How to Help Your Body Repair

David Christopher states: The myelin sheath can be eroded through normal body functioning and is destroyed by auto immune diseases like multiple sclerosis. With any autoimmune disease, Dr. Christopher’s Immucalm formula in high doses of 5 capsules 5 times per day can calm down the action of the immune system, which allows the body to repair the myelin nerve sheath. The Nerve Sheath Formula is used to provide the nutrients the body needs as it works on repairing the nerve sheath. Dr. Christopher's Complete Tissue and Bone Formula is also helpful in providing nutrients for repairs anywhere in the body, including the nerve sheath. When using Dr. Christopher Formulas we separate them by at least 30 minutes to attain the full benefit of the formula.

Remember to Eat Healthy

A junk food diet can never repair nerve sheath damage and can contribute to losing myelin. So, eating healthy foods is giving your body the best chance to repair.

In Simple Words

Nerve sheaths are like protective coats for our nerves. When they are damaged, we can have problems with our body's signals. But we can fix them! Eating healthy foods and using Dr. Christopher’s Nerve Sheath Formula can help our body repair these important coatings and keep our body's messages running smoothly.
At Herbs First we carry the full line of Dr. Christopher’s Formulas, always 25% off with free shipping on a $85.00 order.

Feel free to email me at or call me at the below phone number for any questions.

You can purchase these and other great healing products at Herbs First.  Order online at Herbs First, phone in your order 801-228-1901.

Have a great month!

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