A great essential oil blend
you can make yourself for hay fever is equal
lavender and
diluted with a carrier oil for the skin, or
full strength in a diffuser. I
really like the smell of the three oils
together and they work well to help
clear the breathing, calm the inflammatory
response and boost the immune
system. I am sold on the effectiveness of
using essential oils to fight
off allergy symptoms. Basil,
and Tea
Tree oil are also oils that work
well for allergies.
Here is what Dr.
says is the cause of hay fever:
“Many folks suffer great discomfort
the pollination season of plants. They
attribute their symptoms to the pollen,
saying that they are "allergic" to it.
What is happening is that the
pollen is bringing out of their bodies
years of accumulated toxins. These come
out in the form of mucus running from
the nose, eyes, and lungs. [NL 3-9]”
My husband and I
have been
working on our diet for many years. Every
year the allergies have been less
bothersome for us. This year we have had
only slight allergy symptoms! On occasion
I have taken Sinus Plus at night when I feel
a bit stuffy so I can sleep well. We
have had no itchiness whatsoever when in the
past itchiness in the eyes, nose
and throat have been a big issue and caused
us lots of misery! This
link gives
some very basic guidelines to eating the
Dr. Christopher way. Do a search for
whole foods plant based diet and you
will come up with many blogs and facebook
groups to support the whole foods plant
based way of eating with recipes. It is
worth it to change your diet, because
allergies will not be a problem, as well
as good health returns and you are better
able to fight off and flues and virus’
that may be around.
We have Anti-Plague kits in stock and they are ready to ship. Here is the link on how to make Anti-Plague. This project takes a about 5 days to get things made and put together, but will be worth it! Anti-Plague stores well, I keep it in the back of my refrigerator and the batch I have is from 2011 and its still good! We will keep a few kits on hand so that we can get them shipped out quickly.
We sell these and other great healing herbal formulas and essential oils at Herbs First. Free shipping in the United States on your $75.00 order! Order online or phone in your order at 801-228-1901. Email me and I can send you links to help you learn more about what you need to know! I love to help people, please call me if you have any questions!
Wishing you the best as you strive to care of your family!