A few hours later I was got a facebook personal message: “I cannot believe this after a month of NO VOICE three squirts later I have a voice. There is no way but it's true I woke up from a nap and came out and started talking. I stopped looked at Dale (her husband) and we both laughed and said no way. I can't thank you enough for the voodoo brew. I'm shocked. I did gag the first squirt LOL. I'm not good at weird tasting stuff. But I'm a believer!”
Another message she posted on my facebook page: “Thank you~thank you . I'm laying in bed scratching Jovi (her dog) and talking OUT LOUD to her just to make sure I really do have a voice - after almost a month I can talk !!!! I don't know what was in your special recipe, but I have a voice finally. So happy!”

I’m glad I had something on hand that could help my friend, and I had no idea it would help that fast! I keep the spray bottle by my bed and it helps this time of year with the yucky throat I sometimes get with allergy season! This is just one of the great formulas that we carry from Western Botanicalsl Click to view Western Botaniccals Quick Reference Guide to see all the wonderful healing formulas.
Have a great