The Finished Homemade BF&C Ointment
I thought I would share the
finished product of my homemade BFC Ointment that I made a few
weeks ago. I'll put the directions below so that it is all together in
one post if you want to give it a try. These jars are 42 ounces each.
The one on the left I put in the fridge to solidify and the one on the
right is the liquid form. Coconut oil is white when it is hard and
clear when it is liquid, so you can see the difference with the herbs
infused into it solid and liquid. This amount will last my husband and
I three years or so. We use it liberally on our joints daily. I use it
on my face, neck and upper chest at night as a beauty regime. We'll use
it on bruises and other problem areas, overworked muscles or anywhere
we are feeling pain. I make my own because I am allergic to the beeswax
that is in ointments. BFC stands for Bone, Flesh and Cartilage - the most amazing wonderful ointment that heals about anything that might happen.
You get so much more for your money when you make it
yourself. The 84 ounces of ointment that I made would be equal to 21 of
the 4 oz. jars of Complete
Tissue and Bone Ointment, that in 2016 retail for $23.75, and we
sell them for $15.44 each. Retail for 21 bottles is $498.75 and our
discounted price is $324.24. That is a lot of money and I wouldn't
recommend buying that many because it would go rancid before you could
use that much! A bag of BF&C
cut costs $28.44 and add in the cost of the oil and you can see
that you are way under $100.00 to make your own ointment adding in what
you pay for your oil. If you are worried about using that much, get
together with a few friends and split it. It is worth it!
It is easy to make your
own BFC Ointment All you need is Dr. Christopher's cut BFC formula and the oil of your
choice. I like to use Coconut oil because it has its
own medicinal value and has a long shelf life. The 16 oz. bag of cut
BF&C fills a little less than half of this gallon bottle. Sorry, it
is hard to see in the photo - but the rule of
thumb is to fill the bottle 1/3 to 1/2 with herbs and then fill the
rest of the bottle with oil. I was able to use about 3 1/2 quarts of
coconut oil and then I put it into my dehydrator at 105 degrees. I stir
it about three times a day and keep it heated for about 48 hours.
You can go
from 12 to 48 hours. I do the maximum to
extract everything I can out of the herbs. If I lived in a warm
I would just leave it outside for a few days, but since we are in Utah
and the nights are below 76 degrees I find it best to use my
dehydrator. I strained it after it cooled a bit and bottled it into the two jars. I keep it in my basement which is cool. Coconut has a long shelf life and I have
never had a batch of my home-made BFC ointment go rancid, so I
highly recommend using Coconut oil!
You can find Dr. Christopher’s bulk formulas at Herbs
Have a great
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