For years I have struggled with being depressed in
the winter and I could never figure out why. I am always fine through
December and then on January 1st this black cloud comes over me.
I really struggle getting through the first two months of the
year and I learned that there is a real disorder called Seasonal
Affective Disorder, also known as winter depression. It tends to affect
people that live far away from the equator and more often women.
Other things that help me get through the winter months are exercise and walking. In the morning I do about 40 minutes of exercise and it helps me get in a better place and is a great start to my day. I especially like to walk outside when it is sunny, but the sun doesn’t shine all the time in Utah. My husband and I still go out and walk in the cold gloomy weather and that helps lift my mood to just be out in the fresh air.
I know I am going to get through things this winter. It helps me knowing what SAD is, and when winter depression hits me I have my plan of action to get me through.
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Have a great month!
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