Fall is a great time to get your
extracts brewing. A few months ago I took a Healing
@ Home class from Dr. Kyle Christensen, the author of the book Herbal First Aid and Health Care.
He is a founder of Western Botanicals, and I have greatly enjoyed
getting to know him and taking his classes. He taught us how to
the Immune Boost Syrup and you are going to learn how easy it is to Do
It Yourself!
The ImmuBoost Do It Yourself Kit we have put together will make six gallons of finished Immuboost Syrup. One gallon of Western Botanicals Immune Boost Syrup (thirty-two 4 oz. bottles) would cost $900.00 and you can order it here if you don't want to make your own. If you split this order of herbs with six people it will cost each person about $32.00 just for the herbs, with shipping! Buy 2 bottles of Vodka and 2 quarts of Maple Syrup (for each gallon) from your local store and it would cost about $90.00 total to make a gallon of syrup. That is 10% of what it would cost to buy it already made.
Making extracts is easy, after you make one for the first time you will rarely buy prepared extracts. You can get so much more for the money! Canning season is going on right now and bottles are easy to get. I bought a pack of 6 two quart (half gallon) jars for $7.99. I've seen them as much as $11.99, but whatever you pay for the bottles you will have them for a very long time.
ImmuBoostFormula do-it-yourself kit will make 6
gallons of
finished product. Buy this if you want a huge amount, or have people
you can split the order with. This is the only size we can put together.
The ImmuBoost Do It Yourself Kit we have put together will make six gallons of finished Immuboost Syrup. One gallon of Western Botanicals Immune Boost Syrup (thirty-two 4 oz. bottles) would cost $900.00 and you can order it here if you don't want to make your own. If you split this order of herbs with six people it will cost each person about $32.00 just for the herbs, with shipping! Buy 2 bottles of Vodka and 2 quarts of Maple Syrup (for each gallon) from your local store and it would cost about $90.00 total to make a gallon of syrup. That is 10% of what it would cost to buy it already made.
Making extracts is easy, after you make one for the first time you will rarely buy prepared extracts. You can get so much more for the money! Canning season is going on right now and bottles are easy to get. I bought a pack of 6 two quart (half gallon) jars for $7.99. I've seen them as much as $11.99, but whatever you pay for the bottles you will have them for a very long time.
Directions for making ImmuBoost Syrup
About ImmuBoost Formula: this formula contains some of the most powerful immune stimulants known. ImmuBoost strengthens the immune system to better fight off viruses, and infections. ImmuBoost increases the number of immune cells in the body.
The primary ingredient in ImmuBoost is Echinacea. Echinacea has been scientifically proven to stimulate the immune system, reduce inflammation, destroy harmful bacteria and speed wound healing. This very powerful and potent herbal combination should be used at the first sign of illness.
Purchase the ImmuBoost Formula do-it-yourself kit by clicking on the add to cart button on the page. This will add all the herbs to your cart that you need for this formula, which are:
2 - Echinacea Root (Angustifolia) - cut 16 oz.
1 - Echinacea Root (Angustifolia) cut 4 oz.
1 - Echinacea Root (Purpurea) - cut 16 oz.
1 - Cat's Claw Bark - cut 4 oz.
1 - Cinnamon Bark - cut 4 oz.
1 - Ginseng, Siberian (Eleuthro Root) - cut 4 oz.
1 - Pau D'arco Bark - cut 4 oz.
1- Usnea Lichen - whole 4 oz.
6 - one gallon jars or 12 - 1/2 gallon wide mouth jars to make tincture/extract in
12 - 2 liter bottles of 80 to 100 proof Vodka
12 quarts Maple Syrup, or buy as needed to make the great tasting syrup.
Combine all the herbs except Usnea Lichen in a very large container that has a lid. The one I use holds 42 cups. Mix the ingredients well and then put either 4 cups into a gallon bottle, or 2 cups into a 1/2 gallon bottle. Divide the Usnea Lichen into equal parts for the gallons or quarts. About 2/3 of an ounce each for the
Fill the bottle with Vodka one inch from the top - it takes about two, 2 liter bottles to fill the gallon, one 2 liter bottle to fill the 1/2 gallon. Put the lid on tightly and then shake it around to get the herbs all mixed with the Vodka. Put in a dark place and shake 2 to 3 times a day. Let tincture brew for a minimum of two weeks and up to six weeks.
Strain and press the herbs out of the tincture/extract. Use a potato masher or squeeze it through a paint strainer or cheese cloth to get all of the liquid out of the herbs. Discard the herbs and bottle the finished extract. ImmuBoost tincture/extract can be used with the alcohol, put a dropperful into a cup of hot water to let the alcohol disperse, or make the yummy kid version with Maple Syrup that follows. The extract in the Vodka has an indefinite shelf life if kept in a cool dark place.
Measure the tincture/extract and put it in a pot on the stove on very low heat to let the alcohol evaporate off. Reduce it down to half of what you started with. Add an equal amount of maple syrup to bring it up to the original volume. Make a batch with the Maple Syrup that you can use up in a year or so and keep refrigerated. Make the syrup as you need it and you can have this on hand for a long long time! Dosage is usually a dropperful, which is what naturally is drawn into the pipette.
Click here to order amber bottles, dropper bottles, spray bottles and roller bottles.
Feel free to email me or call me 801-228-1901, if you have any questions. Have a great month!
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