Monday, October 29, 2012

Education is Priceless

Herbal Home Health care book  
   We have brought in a case of the Herbal Home Health Care books written by Dr. John R. Christopher.  I love this book, it is easy to read and understand and will help you learn the Dr. Christopher way of healing.  This book retails for $14.95 and we are offering them to our customers for only $8.97. Get one for yourself and for the people you love.  

Dr. Chrisopher's Complete Herbal Writings
   We have also been able to purchase quite a few of Dr. Christopher’s Herbal Writings on CD Rom for Windows & Mac.  This originally sold for $99.98 and while supplies last one can be yours for only $49.99.  This is everything Dr. Christopher wrote. There are no plans to bring this out in any other format, so when they are gone there will be no way to purchase all of his writings at such an affordable price.

Click here to go directly to the books order page.  
Pricing good while supplies last.

   Our lesson in An Herbal Legacy of Courage this week follows Dr. Christopher as he moves his family back to Salt Lake City Utah, only to find out that the state no longer is the cradle of herbal medicine. Learn of his struggles to establish a practice.  Being unsuccessful in getting a licence to practice as a a Naturopathic Doctor in Utah, he  moves his family to Wyoming. He hopes to be able to get licensed in Wyoming, so that eventually he would be able to get licensed in Utah. Read several healing stories that will teach you how to take care of yourself and your family.

   You can't put a price on Education, the knowledge that you gain to help yourself, family and others is truly pricesless.  

   You can order Dr. Christopher's books, herbal formulas and other great products online at Herbs First, or call in an order at 801-228-1901.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Nerve Formulas Heal Nerve Damage, Epilepsy, Tourettes, etc.

    I had a customer email today reporting that her sister had a tooth removed over a year ago and in the removal it ripped up her gums as well as the nerves with some being exposed.  The gum healed but she has been suffering terrible pain as well as seizures sometimes causing her to not be able to move her mouth and at times to speak. She has had doctors and dentists tell her that nothing is wrong with her and some even saying she is faking it!  It is experiences like this that converted me to natural healing, because there is always a cure with natural healing and they never treat you like you are crazy!

Relax-Eze    I have had two dentists damage nerves that took some time to heal.  The first time I wasn’t using the herbs, I ended up with a numb face for about two years before it finally healed on its own.  The second adventure actually happened three times before I switched dentists.  When work had to be done the dentist ended up damaging nerves with the shots.  I used Relax-Eze to heal the problem, but it took a huge amount of it to heal - 4 capsules at least 4 times a day for six months!  Hard to believe that it took me three times to figure out the dentist was not good at all!  I have never had any problem since I switched to my present dentist.

    For the customer I let her know my story and suggested the Relax-Eze, having the patient work with the herbs to determine her dosage.  I like to start with 2 capsules, if that takes care of the pain then when the pain comes back take two again as needed until the healing occurs.  If two wasn’t enough, then try 3, then 4 and so on until you find the dosage.  Then take as needed for as long as needed.  Ear and Nerve

    For the seizures Dr. Christopher has written quite a bit about using the Ear & Nerve Formula which is an extract.  In Dr. Christopher's writings it is called B&B.  I have read and heard about many miracle healings of Epilepsy, seizures, hearing loss, Tourettes and stuttering all clearing up using his program.  You can learn how to follow the program on Herbal Legacy.

    This weeks lesson from An Herbal Legacy of Courage follows Dr. Christopher as he becomes an herbalist and opens a practice.  Not having enough money to sustain his family he works a gardener in the morning, harvesting the herbs that he uses in the afternoon to heal his patients.  Learn from him as he developes more healing formulas that we use today.  

Monday, October 1, 2012

Drafted into the Army, WWII

An Herbal Legacy of Courage    In chapter two in the Herbal Legacy of Courage book we follow John as he is drafted into the Army. As a conscientious objector he was sent to Fort Lewis, where he was assigned to supervise a medical dispensary. It was frustrating for him to go from teaching people how to take care of themselves naturally to serving where he was denied the use of the herbal healing methods. 

    One morning while discussing the various cases they were faced with, John was finally given the opportunity to use natural healing methods with a man with a bad case of impetigo.  The man was going to be released from the army because nothing had worked to clear up the problem.  He refused to be released saying “I got this here, I’m not going to take this home to my family”.  John was given a week and no one believed that he could cure the man. He had Black Walnuts flown in overnight from Utah and made an extract with rubbing alcohol. He made a compress over the mans head with instructions to keep it wet with the tincture 24/7.  A week later everyone returned to see the results and as John lifted the compress off, the scab came off with it, and the soldier's scalp was clean and pure. The impetigo was gone, and had left no scarring.

    After that amazing result John was allowed to use his herbal medicine. His black walnut extract gained a widespread reputation, and he continued to use it to treat impetigo as well as fungus infection and jungle rot. John eventually found that the black walnut hulls exacted an almost miraculous cure against a variety of other stubborn conditions, including scrofula, eczema, ringworm, shingles, and chronic boils. With an endless supply of patients and the blessings of his superiors, he was able to discover firsthand the healing properties of many of the herbs he had until then only read about.

    John formulated his Complete Tissue & Bone Formula and Ointment which has been a miracle formula for many people over the years to re-grow fingers, heal horrific burns, dermatitis, and more. He was able to spend quiet hours in the laboratory experimenting, and it was there where he began to discover the herbal combinations that could relieve his own serious health problems.

    At the end of John’s military obligation, despite an invitation to spend another tour of duty in the dispensary and to let the Army pay for his medical education, he declined and headed home to his wife and family.  Please read chapter 2, it really is an amazing story that we can all learn from.

    What are some of the miracles you have experienced using herbal medicine?

Black Walnut is available in Chrisotpher's extract, Western Botanicals extract, capsules, and bulk.You can order Dr. Christopher's formulas online or call in your order at 801-228-1901Ailments CD    The new Dr Christopher's School of Natural Healing Ailment CD's are finally here! Get one free with a $100.00 herb order.  Put in the coupon code AilmentCD at checkout and it will be added to your order.  Only one coupon code is accepted per order.  You can also purchase it for $3.99