I have talked to quite a
few people lately that suffer with
sleep issues. It is important to your health
to get a good night’s sleep, and
having a natural sleep aid to use that does
not have negative side effects is a
plus. We have a lot of great herbal formulas
and essential oil choices to help you get
the sleep you need. The first five remedies
are made for sleep, the ones that
follow after that are remedies that you may
have on-hand that work as well.

I have also used Dr.
Christopher’s famous anxiety/nerve/depression
combo for many years. It is both Relax-Eze
and Mindtrac
taken together. Sometimes
I take them individually, but together they
are amazing and work wonders for
sleep! If I wake up in the night with worries
I’ll pop two capsules of Mindtrac
and it quiets down my brain and I drift
quickly into a deep sleep. These two go
to the root of the sleep problem for me, which
is the fact that I am a more
anxious worry type person. Great for anxiety,
depression and sleep!
Other herbal formulas that
may promote sleep are Dr.
Valerian Nerve extract and Western
Botanicals Nerve Calm, available
in capsules,
and syrup.
Other essential oils that
promote calming and sleep are
Sage, Marjoram,
and Vetiver
to name a few. If you have some of these oils
add a few drops into the roller bottle with
the carrier oil or add to some lotion and you
are good to go!
Please call me and I’d be
happy to take your order and answer
your questions!
Order online at Herbs First or call 801-228-1901 to place your order today!
Wishing you the best this summer!