Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Cold and Flu Season IS HERE!

Flu and colds  seem to be getting more and more rampant. From the first day of school back in August we began hearing about droves of children being sick. When the kids get sick at school they bring it home to the parents and the rest of the family. This is becoming a never-ending cycle. The best line of defense is adding more fruits and vegetables, and eliminating processed foods from your diet. Processed foods are what brings about a low immune system and the cycle of sickness. Fruits and vegetables bring healing!
Herbs aid in helping to build the immune system up so that our own body will easily be able to fight off the invaders We keep a variety of herbs and essential oils on hand so that in the event we feel some symptoms coming on we can treat it quickly and avoid getting sick. 

Glandular Massage OIlX-PlagueA favorite to put on the kids in the morning as they are getting ready for school is Dr. Christopher's Glandular Massage Oil with Garden Essence Oils X-Plague mixed in. To one bottle of Glandular Massage Oil add 40 drops of X-Plague into the bottle. Put a few drops on your hands and rub it into the bottom of feet and into the glands at the top of the neck. This is an easy and affordable way to help keep people from succumbing to illness, and has aromatherapy benefits as well! Diffuse X-Plague during the winter months too!
Other great oil blends that help the immune system that are antiseptic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal are Cleansing, Immuboost, Immune and 3 in 1.  
We have many herbal formulas available to help keep you and your family healthy during the year. Choose several to have on hand, as the body gets immune to using the same formula all the time.

- Dr. Christopher’s formula was designed to enhance the body’s ability to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses. Give at the first sign of a sniffle and for a few days, along with using the Glandular/X-Plague blend above.

aids the body with seasonal changes & helps support immune health.

Super Garlic Immune FormulaSuper Garlic Immune Formula – Dr. Christopher’s formulated the Anti-Plague formula and it is available only in liquid. It tastes oh so bad, but is oh so good for the boosting immune system and killing off all the yuk that is going on.

Western Botanicals Immu-Defense
Immu-Defense – Western Botanicals version of Anti-Plague available in syrup and capsules! The capsules are so great, because there are lots of people that can't handle the taste and can now have the benefits of this amazing formula!

Echinacea and Goldenseal - Formulated to lend support to the body's immune system through its antiviral and antibacterial actions. Available in Dr. Christopher’s capsules and extract, and Western Botanicals extract and syrup.

Dr Christopher's Elderberry
Elderberry - is especially valued for its enhancement if immune function and ability to inhibit disease.

Dr Christophers Immune System
Immune System Formula
– the herbs in the Immune System Formula have been used for thousands of years as tonics for preventative health care. Used on a
daily basis it helps to strengthen the immune system and guard against invaders.

Immune boost
Immune Boost
– Western Botanicals formula that
strengthens your immune system to better fight off viruses, and infections, and increases the number of immune cells in your body. Available in capsules, extract and syrup.

Western Botanicals Immune Tea
Immune Tea
– for people who prefer to take their herbs in tea form, used to prevent or to fight the effects of viral infections including colds and flu.

Dr Christophers INF formula
INF Formula
– formerly Infection/Lymphatic Formula. Dr. Christopher's time tested INF formula supports the body's lymphatic system which is helpful to promote overall health.

Lung and Bronchial capsulesDr Christophers Lung and Bronchial

Lung and Bronchial Formula – especially helpful to people susceptible to lung problems. Take with INF if infection is present. Available in capsules and extract.

Western Botanicals Natures C
Nature's 'C' Complex
Western Botanicals blended a combination of herbs and fruits known to be high in vitamin C content. This is not a compressed extract powder pill, but vitamin C in a whole food, as nature intended.

Dr Christophers Respiratory Massage
OIlDr Christophers Respiratory Syrup
Respiratory Massage Oil
and Respiratory Syrup – especially helpful for asthma, colds and flu, and is very useful in expelling mucus from the respiratory system.

western-botanicals Goldenseal
Goldenseal Combination
– formerly Flu & Virus formula, contains four of the most common herbs used for combating the ills brought on by winter weather. Available in capsules and syrup.

western botanicals Herbal Throat
Herbal Throat Soothe
will help settle a cough and soothe a sore throat while facilitating a faster recovery. Available in syrup and spray.

Western Botanicals Very berry Tea
Very Berry Tea
– a wonderful blend of Red Raspberry, Hibiscus, Elder berry, and Cranberries is a delicious immune building tea.

Dr Christopher's Chest Formula

Chest Formula
- Dr. Christopher's Chest Formula is full of herbs that supports the body's immune system & is great for the cold season.

Dr Christopher's Cold Seas Formula
Cold Season Formula
- Dr. Christopher's Cold Season formula aids the body with seasonal changes and helps support immune health.

Now is the time to stock up on your winter needs. Order online at Herbs First or call 801-228-1901 to place your order today!

Have a great month!