thing I like most about using natural medicine at home is when
something happens we can take care of the problem right away, instead
of having to
go to see a doctor. Our early experiences were with ear
infections. Having gone the doctor route at first with our son
and with
his ears never getting better it was a relief to finally find Western Botanicals
Drops that ended that cycle. We built up his immune system
home made Anti-Plague (
Dr Christopher's Super
Garlic Immune Syrup) and he became our
healthy one.

My niece had an experience a
few weeks ago
when her little 16 month old son was suddenly crying hysterically. She
found that a wasp had gotten under his shirt and had stung him quite a
few times. She has been using the essential oils lately and
grabbed the
essential oil and put it on his tummy and rubbed it
around. Within seconds he settled right down and was
fine. It is great to see nieces and nephews learning more
and using these great products with their families.
essential oil soothes bites, itching and
inflammation. It is a well known burn remedy, cooling the burn
and aiding in healing without scarring. Use it on sunburns to
soothe and heal without peeling. It is a very relaxing oil, use
in the bath, use it with fractionated coconut oil on the shoulders,
massage it in and feel the muscles relax. Put it on your kids
at night and they will quickly fall asleep. Use it when you don’t
know what to use, what do you have to lose?
Another niece told me that her ten year old son is
going through one of those clumsy stages and tripped one night badly
scuffing and bruising his leg. She put the Garden Essence
blend on his leg
and in the morning there was no sign of the injury from the night
before. She diffuses
Garden Essence X-Plague all winter long to keep the bugs
away and it does a good job of things and smells great too!
I like to keep a roller bottle of
Garden Essence Blue mixed with
fractionated coconut oil on my night
stand because sometimes I wake up during the night with my neck
I’ll roll it around my neck and shoulders and rub it in and
drift back to a good night’s sleep.
My cousin will order three of the 4 oz. jars of Dr Christophr's
Tissue and Bone Ointment at a time. They use it
liberally on boo boos that happen with their four kids. She is
starting to use the essentail oils and loves how quickly and
effectively they
work. She loves the quality of the oils and the affordable
pricing that makes it easy to have on hand for her
What are your success stories? If you don’t
have any, then now is time to get started. Check out our
sale pricing on all of
the products we carry. Order some and start having your own success stories!
Have a great month!