By August most parents are ready for their kids to be back in school especially if you have an ADD or ADHD child. On the flip side of that is the stress the parent goes through to get the child through the school year, no easy task and I’ve been there.
For anyone dealing with a stressful situation, especially parents of the ADD/ADHD child you need to take care of yourself first. My favorite formula for stress is
Mindtrac which is great for the child, but also for the people that live with them. This formula has been a lifesaver for me over the years helping me to get through the day. This formula covers anxiety, depression, stress and hyperactivity. I highly recommend Mindtrac for the parents of ADD/ADHD children.
Kid-e-Trac is available in liquid form for small children.
Food choices are very important for the ADD/ADHD child. Stick with real food that you prepare, so that you know what they are eating. Avoid processed foods, foods with dyes, MSG, foods with nitrates, artificial sweeteners, etc. Greatly limit sugar and keep the foods as close to their natural state as possible. I can say that beyond a shadow of a doubt the above foods set these kids off.
There are several formulas that make a big difference for these kids and one nutrient that most ADD/ADHD kids are low in is Essential Fatty Acids. We carry
Nature’s Way EFA Blend for children. This blend of oils helps with the proper transmission of brain and nerve signals. Here is what Hollie has to say about EFA Blend for children:
My son was diagnosed with mild Aspbergers Syndrome (high functioning Autism) as well as ADHD. To say he is a handful, is putting it mildly! I started giving him the EFA Blend when he started Kindergarten. It truly makes a difference for him! It helps him with his focus as well as with the impulsivity that he experiences. In fact, he started calling them his “smart pills”, because he recognizes the changes in himself. It took me a few months to come up with the proper dosage for him. I started him on 2 pills once a day, and worked from there, waiting about 2 weeks before making any other changes. He is now getting ready to start 2nd grade, and I give him 3 in the morning and 3 at bedtime. I’ve tried decreasing the dosage, but find that he does the best with the 6 pills daily. A couple of months ago, I ran out of the EFA Blend. I thought I had a bottle in my cupboard, and to my dismay, I was out. In just the few days that he was without the EFA, I noticed a tremendous difference in his attitude and actions. I was SO grateful when my order arrived and I could give him his “smart pills”! This is one formula that I hope to never be without!
Western Botanicals
Attention Focus is a great formula for people with ADD/ADHD. I was amazed at the difference in my son's ability to get his school work done when we took this formula his senior year. We told a neighbor how about Attention Focus and they got it for their young daughter who is now twelve. It has been a formula she has stayed on for the past three years. A niece and nephew used it as well and mentioned how much easier it was to pay attention in school. Western Botanicals also has a formula called
Attention Calm with the

same ingredients as Attention Focus with more herbs added in to deal with the hyperactivity. I suggest to people to get a bottle of both and see which one is best for their child. Work on dosage as well, starting out with a lower dose and adding capsules to determine what works best for them as is noted for the EFA Blend. Both of these formulas are available in
syrup and
extract. For younger children who can’t swallow pills be sure to get the syrup as it is alcohol free. Western Botanicals has done a great job with making their syrups tasty that even the pickiest of children will take them without problems.
Additional nutritional support via
Vitalerbs or
Kid-e-Mins is very essential for everyone. These are herbal based vitamins that our bodies can easily assimilate. Hundreds of studies have shown that our bodies need whole foods. Only whole foods can provide all the proper elements needed to assist in total health.
ADD/ADHD kids can grow up to be great people. Never give up on them, continue to give them the love, support and understanding that they need.
Place your order today so that you can work on finding the correct dosage before school starts.
You can purchase these and other great healing products at
Herbs First